麥角硫因- 用途、副作用、和更多


Ergothioneine is an amino acid derivative, a crystalline betaine, derived from histidine. The ERG transporter OCTN1 (gene: SLC22A4) 22 is found in red blood cells, fetal liver and bone marrow, small intestine, ileum, trachea, kidneys, cerebellum, lungs, monocytes, seminal vesicles, and the lens and cornea of ​​the eye. 23 Interestingly, OCTN1 is concentrated in mitochondria, suggesting a role in protecting mitochondrial components from DNA damage. 23,24 When cells are depleted of OCTN1, they become more susceptible to oxidative stress, leading to mitochondrial damage, protein oxidation, and lipid peroxidation.

When ingested, whether as individual molecules or whole mushrooms, ERG is absorbed into the bloodstream, is highly bioavailable, and remains there for up to one month. In a human trial looking at ERG bioavailability, an increase in red blood cell (RBC) ERG was observed when subjects consumed 8 or 16 grams of mushrooms. The 16-gram mushroom dose increased RBC ERG concentrations compared to the control group 1 and 4 hours after consumption, and after 2 hours, the RBC ERG concentration was significantly higher than the control group.

ERG chelates divalent metal cations: copper, mercury, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, iron and nickel. 26-28 Cation binding may help prevent their participation in the generation of reactive oxygen species; for example, ERG was found to protect DNA and proteins from copper-induced oxidative damage by forming a redox-inactive EGT-Cu complex.

ERG enhances glutathione activity in rat liver cytosol in a dose-dependent manner, leading researchers to speculate that the decline in ERG may play a role in the age-related decline in glutathione and glutathione peroxidase effect. Additionally, older adults with early-stage dementia and patients with Parkinson's disease have lower ERG levels compared with age-matched healthy controls.

Of all mushrooms analyzed, the fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus (Pleurotus ostreatus) had the highest ERG, containing 26.4 mg per 85 g of mushroom.

How does it work?

Researchers are studying ergothioneine to determine whether it can reduce lung swelling (inflammation) and damage to the liver, kidneys and brain.

Purpose and efficacy?

Not enough evidence

  • Heart disease. Some studies show that the higher the levels of ergothioneine in the blood, the lower the risk of heart disease and death from heart disease. But it's not clear whether eating more foods containing ergothioneine or taking ergothioneine supplements can prevent heart disease or death.
  • joint pain.
  • Liver damage.
  • cataract.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • diabetes.
  • Apply to skin to prevent wrinkles and reduce signs of aging.
      More evidence is needed to assess the effectiveness of ergothioneine for these uses.

      side effect

      When taken by mouth: Ergothioneine is probably safe when used in the amounts found in food. There is not enough reliable information to know whether using large amounts of ergothioneine as a medicine is safe or what the side effects may be.

      Special Precautions and Warnings

      When taken by mouth: Ergothioneine is probably safe when used in the amounts found in food. There is not enough reliable information to know whether using large amounts of ergothioneine as a medicine is safe or what the side effects may be. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is not enough reliable information to know whether ergothioneine is safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. Stay safe and avoid using.


      Freda Feng

      Freda Feng



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