
Geranium, the mint-scented geranium, is a geranium variety native to South Africa. It belongs to the same subgenus as geraniums, geraniums, and geraniums.


Pelargonia is of Greek origin; Pelargos means stork. Another name for geraniums is stork's beak, because of the shape of their fruits. Tooth refers to leaves that are soft, fuzzy, and downy.


Hairy geranium is a tall, spreading species that can grow up to one meter wide and one meter tall. It is a very soft, hairy plant with a strong minty scent (due to the menthone in the leaves) and small white flowers. The leaves are greenish-grey, broad, and trilobate.

Geraniums are evergreen perennials that share many characteristics with the Pelargonium species. They range in height from 30-100 cm and can be classified according to different leaf shapes, such as wrinkled, oak or fern leaf shapes. The leaves can range in color from dark green to light green, and the flowers often appear in loose clusters. Most prefer to grow in full sun, and they are also drought and heat tolerant. However, some varieties do require as much shade and moist conditions as possible. Many plants grow near streams in their native habitat, but generally "less is more" is a good guideline for watering these plants. They don't like moisture at all.

This group of plants was originally placed in the same genus as Geranium by Linnaeus, but was classified into a different genus in 1789. Geranium was brought to England in 1631, but was most likely transported to the Netherlands in the early 1600s. From very early times, various varieties have been developed and many are now grown commercially for essential oils used in perfumes and aromatherapy.

Geranium is one of five genera in the Geranium family, which contains more than 800 species. This includes the separate genus Geranium, which often causes confusion because "geranium" is also used as a common name for many geranium species and cultivars. There are thought to be 270 species of geraniums, 219 of which are native to South Africa. Among them, there are many genera or subtypes of geraniums based on characteristics such as leaf type. About 80% of them are native to only parts of the southern region of South Africa. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed in Australia, New Zealand, and a few regions such as Madagascar and East Africa. There are now cultivated varieties around the world, most of which are native to South Africa. True geranium species are hardy flora native to North America and Europe.

The geranium plant family is an important food source for some Lepidopteran species in their native areas.

Breeds and hybrids

There are only a few varieties and hybrids of hairy geraniums. These breeds and hybrids include:

Geranium 'Chocolate Mint' - a cross between Geranium tomentosa and Geranium 'Giant Oak' (a species of geranium). Chocolate mint is a tall species that spreads like a downy mint. It smells slightly minty, but the "chocolate" refers to the brown spots in the center of the leaves.
Geranium 'Islington Mint' - a hybrid of Geranium tomentosa and Geranium 'Splendide'. Smaller geraniums with fresh mint-scented leaves and eye-catching white and brown flowers. It is an unusual hybrid because P. tomentosum belongs to the subgenus Pelargonium, while P. 'Splendide' is a cross between Pelargonium ovate and Pelargonium tricolor, both of which belong to the subgenus Camphylia.

How to care for hairy geraniums?

Do best in full sun in fertile, neutral to alkaline, well-drained soil. In hot climates, afternoon shade is worth it. Maintain good ventilation and moderate watering during the growing season from spring to summer, and less watering in winter. Drought tolerant once established.


In addition to being a houseplant or outdoor perennial depending on the climate, hairy geraniums have a few other uses. First, the leaves are edible, and the leaves can be added to salads and desserts, or used in baked cakes and cookies. Gives jellies, jams and cookies a peppermint flavor. A warm cup of herbal tea with a few stevia leaves and some fresh geranium and mint leaves makes for a refreshing and rich morning tea.

Secondly, because the oil in its leaves has astringent properties, it can be made into a poultice to treat sprains or bruises. The fresh leaves can be made into a soothing poultice to treat bruises and sprains. As a crop, this species is well suited for the production of natural peppermint essential oil in South Africa.

Third, the leaves are very fragrant, and the leaves are great for potpourri and filling pillows.


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