什麼是金盞花? 了解抗發炎和抗菌功效

Calendula is a marigold plant that has long been used for its skin health benefits, such as helping wounds heal.

Calendula petals are rich in naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids. These compounds are said to have anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antidiabetic, anticancer, and neuroprotective effects.

This article explains how to use calendula. You'll also learn about the possible side effects and risks of using calendula.

What is marigold?

Calendula is a member of the Asteraceae/Asteraceae plant family and belongs to the order Asterales. The medicinal part of the calendula plant is a beautiful, deeply colored orange and yellow flower.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), marigolds are native to Canada and the lower 48 states of the United States.

Calendula is an annual plant that grows easily in medium, fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. It can be grown in flower beds, planters, cottage gardens, cut flower gardens, pots or containers.

In the garden, the plant's fragrant leaves attract butterflies. Petals are a popular choice for floral displays and potpourri blends. They can also be eaten cooked.

Calendula oil is made by soaking the flowers in a carrier oil like olive or coconut oil. This oil can be used alone or as an ingredient in an ointment, balm, cream or lotion. It is also available in tinctures and teas or in capsules.

What are marigolds used for?

Calendula has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions. Studies show that calendula can treat diaper rash, wounds, vaginal yeast infections, and other conditions.

Calendula has also been used as a pain and inflammation reducer, as well as a way to reduce treatment-related side effects in cancer patients.

While there are some studies showing the positive effects of calendula, the long-term use of calendula has not been studied and more research is needed. Always ask your provider before starting any treatment or supplement, even a natural one.

How does calendula work?

Calendula petals are rich in naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids. These compounds are said to:

  • Reduce inflammation (anti-inflammatory)
  • Prevents excessive blood clotting (antithrombotic)
  • Positive effect on blood sugar levels (anti-diabetic)
  • Help fight cancer (anticancer)
  • Protects the brain (neuroprotective effect)

Calendula’s active ingredients are naturally occurring chemicals such as:

  • Triterpene saponins (oleanolic acid glycosides)
  • Triterpene alcohols (α-, β-amyrin, faradiol)
  • Flavonoids (quercetin and isorhamnetin)

Topical gel made from calendula may help build collagen in the skin, may promote new tissue growth in wound healing, and may help reduce skin inflammation.

Wounds and pressure ulcers

Studies on animals suggest that calendula may help with wound healing, but what about humans? research shows:

  • A study published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care examined the effectiveness of calendula ointment on C-section scars in 72 women. Women who received calendula ointment healed faster and reported less redness and swelling from their incisions than those who received standard hospital wound care.
  • In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Wound Care, researchers used calendula extract to treat patients with venous leg ulcers. The researchers measured "rate of healing" over a week and found that those treated with calendula healed at a rate of 7.4 percent, while those who did not use calendula extract only healed at about 1.7 percent. The researchers also noted that there were no adverse side effects from using the extract.
  • Other research suggests that for people with long-term diabetic foot ulcers, using calendula spray in addition to standard care and hygiene may prevent infection and reduce odor.

Eczema, diaper rash and other skin conditions

Calendula is often promoted as a treatment for eczema and dermatitis, but there isn't much research to support its effectiveness for these conditions.

Since this plant has anti-inflammatory properties, placing it on areas affected by skin conditions may reduce inflammation. However, there is no real evidence that this is effective or safe.

Using calendula may irritate children with severe eczema, especially if they are allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigolds, or any other plant in the same family as calendula.

Using calendula cream to treat diaper rash may be more effective than other treatments like aloe vera gel, but research shows it's not as effective as using a bentonite clay solution.

One study showed that when infants were treated with bentonite clay, 88% of lesions improved within the first 6 hours, but only 54% of lesions in the calendula-treated group improved.

Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infection

In one study, researchers compared the use of calendula ointment with metronidazole in 80 women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. After one week, bacterial vaginosis in both groups recovered without any side effects.

The researchers concluded that calendula ointment may be an option if people want to avoid taking medications to treat bacterial vaginosis.

A study published in Women & Health found that calendula cream was effective in treating vaginal yeast infections, but it didn't work as quickly as the standard drug used to treat vaginal yeast infections (clotrimazole).

Some claim that calendula can be used to treat menstrual-related symptoms, but more research is needed.

sun protection

Research on using calendula as a sunscreen has only been done in laboratories and has not yet been done in humans. These studies suggest that some of calendula's properties may help rejuvenate cells, but more research is needed to prove these effects.

radiation dermatitis

Research on the use of calendula to treat skin irritation caused by radiation therapy is mixed. There is not enough evidence to suggest that it is more effective than using other topical products such as petroleum jelly.

Possible side effects of calendula

If you are allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigolds, or plants in the Asteraceae/Asteraceae family, you should not use calendula as it may cause you to have an allergic reaction.

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not use calendula, as it can alter hormone levels and may even cause menstruation.

If you are taking medications or have to have surgery, ask your provider before trying calendula. It may not be safe to use calendula if it affects your medications or makes surgical complications (such as bleeding) more likely.

Calendula Dosage and Preparation

There is no set dosage for calendula because it has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How much calendula you use depends on the form and purpose you use it for.

If you decide to grow your own marigold plants, you can reap the benefits of marigolds by drying the petals. You can dry marigold petals by picking a flower and placing it on a paper towel away from sunlight.

The dried petals can be used to make tea and oil. If you make calendula tea, you can also use fresh flowers as a garnish.

How to Make Calendula Tea

Here are the steps to make calendula tea:

  1. boil water
  2. Add about two teaspoons of dried flowers to your tea infuser or teapot
  3. Pour hot water over the leaves and soak for 10 minutes
  4. Strain and add any type of flavoring you want such as cinnamon, vanilla, honey, etc.

How to store marigolds

Store calendula products in a dry, dark, and moisture-free place. If you buy marigolds at a store, check the "best before" date on the package. Make sure to use it before it expires.

If you are storing dried petals, place them in an airtight container. If you make an oil, tincture, or cream from calendula, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Buying marigolds: what to look for

Companies that claim calendula is effective in treating certain health conditions must follow their claims with a disclaimer stating "these claims have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration" because the FDA has not approved calendula's therapeutic claims.

It's important to buy calendula from a reputable source as it can help you avoid buying products that have harsh substances or chemicals added to them. Look for organic products or products with third-party certification.

You can also buy seeds and grow your own marigolds at home instead of buying products.


Calendula is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that help improve skin conditions and wound healing. Calendula can be added to lotions and balms, made into teas and oils, and used as a garnish.

You can buy products made from marigolds, or you can grow and dry them at home.

Calendula is not FDA approved. You should always ask your provider before taking any kind of natural supplement, even "natural" supplements from plants.

You should not use calendula if you are allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigolds, or plants in the Asteraceae/Asteraceae family. You also should not use calendula if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


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