
What is bergamot?

Bergamot , also known as bergamot, five-finger tangerine, Fushou tangerine and Milo tangerine. Bergamot is a variety of grapefruit; its full botanical name is Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis, this variety is derived from the Greek sarkos and dactylos. These "fingers" number from about 5 to more than 20, and the carpel is divided into fleshless parts. Sometimes they are held tightly together or closed, like a praying hand; sometimes they are loosely arranged or spread apart, like a relaxed, fat octopus.


After the petals fall, the general shape of the fruit on the tree becomes visible. If the fruit is closed when green, it will essentially remain that way when ripe. During ripening, the fingers of some fruits will "spread" as they become thicker and longer . But this is mostly due to the fruit getting bigger, rather than the fingers opening up like a flower.

The fragrance of bergamot is present in the fingers: they provide more surface area and are covered with yellow skin rich in oil. Like round grapefruits, they have a very thick skin and are made of two parts. The colorful outer skin is called the "flavedo," where the fruit's flavor and aroma are concentrated. When fully mature, Buddha's hand blooms with bright flowers. Grapefruit can sit in a fruit bowl at home for several months and continue to impart its extraordinary fragrance.


It is considered an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps promote collagen production, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. They are also rich in fiber for digestive health, calcium for bone growth, and vitamin E to protect cells from free radical damage.


Although Buddha's hand is a sturdy fruit, care must be taken when picking to avoid breaking the finger tips.

These fruits ripen from November to early February and are available from growers and some grocery stores at this time.


Like most other citrus, Bergamot is native to Asia. It is thought to have originated in India and then spread westward and eastward. Citrons are the oldest citrus fruit in cultivation, probably because of their thick skin, which helps them spread well.

How to use bergamot

Due to its rich fragrance and attractive shape, this fruit, a symbol of longevity and happiness, is often left intact and used to decorate or freshen a room. Buddha's hands placed on the counter will gradually turn a darker yellow and can be used at any stage until they begin to wilt. Even so, you can soak it in water, which will enhance its final aroma.

cooking applications

If you cut off a "finger", you will only see the hard white pith. This pith is where the most pectin is found in all types of citrus. Bergamot is rich in jam, so it makes a delicious jam. Slow poaching or preserving in syrup also infuses the spongy albedo with a yellowish yellow fruit flavor, resulting in a completely edible candy. Or try slicing it and infusing it with vodka. Nicholas jars bergamot to preserve its flavor and recommends it in tea.

Why is bergamot so expensive?

It is a very sensitive fruit and its production requires great care, as a small mistake in the plantation can lead to the destruction of the entire harvest and possibly excessive losses to the farmer. Additionally, once trees are damaged, they cannot be replanted and farmers must move to new farms.

Available from late autumn to early winter. In some temperate climates, the trees occasionally produce fruit throughout the year.


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