
Related: Healthy Sex: The Ultimate Guide

Here's an interesting sex tip for those who don't have a committed partner: Self-pleasure can provide sexual benefits, especially those specifically related to a good orgasm.

So whether you're a couple or solo, check out this list of health side effects of regular sex:

1. Improve heart health – yes, sex is exercise

Like any physical activity, healthy sex is good for your heart. A January 2015 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that men who had sex two or more times a week were more likely to have heart problems such as stroke or heart disease than men who had sex once a month or less. The risk of vascular disease is lower.

For those concerned about the risks sexual activity poses to the heart, the American Heart Association's Scientific Statement on Sexual Activity and Cardiovascular Disease says sex is safe for people who can exercise without heart problems. to 5 metabolic equivalents (MET). MET is a measure of energy expended during activity. 3 METs are about the same as walking at a moderate pace, while 5 METs are similar to low-intensity aerobics.

Having sex can actually be considered a pretty good form of exercise: A small 2013 study published in the journal PLoS One found that during an average of 25 minutes of sex, men burned an average of 4 calories per minute and women burned 3 Calories. It’s a lot more fun than slogging away on the treadmill.

2. Sweet analgesic effect, even for menstrual pain

Just looking at your partner, or even a picture of your partner, can help relieve pain. In another study conducted at Stanford University in California and published in PLoS One, anesthesiologists showed participants photos of their romantic partners or photos of attractive strangers or asked them to play a word game. They found that looking at a romantic partner significantly reduced the painful experience. So even though you may think of pain as a barrier to sex, consider it a sexual benefit worth your time and effort: Take the time to really look at your partner.

Other studies have found that women can relieve menstrual cramps through good orgasms.

3. Reduce stress and lower blood pressure

Sex can help relieve stress by boosting endorphins and other mood-boosting hormones. As a form of exercise, it can also help you calm down. Additionally, a Scottish study published in the journal Biological Psychology found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events. While this effect is more pronounced in people who have penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex and masturbation can also help you stay calm.

4. May reduce prostate cancer risk

A 2016 study published in the Journal of European Urology found that men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month were 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who ejaculated four to seven times a month. While more research is needed to confirm this link, men who ejaculate regularly appear to have a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

5. Another benefit of better sleep: increased libido

According to the National Sleep Foundation, orgasm releases the hormone prolactin, which can help you feel sleepy and relaxed. So don't be too surprised if you and your partner doze off shortly after a satisfying session and wake up feeling refreshed. This sleep connection also works in reverse: Getting enough sleep can improve your sexual response and may increase your chances of having sex regularly, according to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine . Researchers found that when women slept longer, their sexual desire was higher the next day.

6. Happier moods and stronger relationships

It's no wonder you have a more positive outlook after sex: Experiencing improved mood as a result of sex has biochemical principles, from neurotransmitters that may be released during healthy sex to the mood-enhancing agents contained in semen itself. And there’s a lot to be said for the mood-boosting effect of building good relationships with people you trust and care about. "

Plus, according to a 2017 report published in the journal Psychological Science , your playful play could have serious consequences, which in turn could help you build a better relationship with your partner. In the study, researchers surveyed newlyweds who kept sex diaries for two weeks and found that partners were satisfied within 48 hours of sex. Those lucky enough to experience this afterglow continue to report happier relationships months later.

7. Radiant, youthful skin

The legendary "morning" light? It’s not just your imagination; You do look better after sex. Sex can even make you look younger. This glow can be attributed to stress relief, improved mood, and a rush of blood under the skin, which is a natural part of the sexual arousal process.

Enjoying a healthy sex life is one of life's great pleasures. Understanding an intimate relationship can be good for your long-term health and make it more enjoyable.


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