對於患有嗜睡症的人來說,什麼是最好的工作?- 網民回應

#1 Stay physically or mentally active

Anything that requires you to be constantly physically or mentally active is a good choice.
Ideally, flexibility in working hours is also worth pursuing.
Some options I've tried...
The receptionist/IT help desk phone is like a constant alarm clock, the loud noise will keep you awake However, remember that feeling when the alarm clock goes off in the morning? It's always been like this.


You move a lot, so this is a surprisingly good option and relatively safe. Positions that don't require you to stand in one place or operate dangerous machinery are best.

Work from home or be self-employed

It's amazing because if your mind wanders or you look listless, no one will notice. This requires more self-discipline. If you can adapt to taking random naps, that's even better. If you're lucky, you can make your own schedule.
I've noticed that I'm very creative, so I try to use that as much as I can.


A regular office job that requires sitting for long periods of time.
Anything boring (night watch, guards, security).
Any act of operating dangerous machinery or driving (pizza delivery, forklift operator, construction)
Working evenings may or may not work for you. I actually do pretty well on very early shifts or evenings/evenings because I'm weird, but everyone is different.

#2 Avoid regular daytime work hours

It depends on the specific person and other factors, but I think the main things to look for/avoid are:


1- Driving jobs (truck driver, bus driver, postman, heavy machinery operator, pilot, etc.)

2- Dangerous jobs/jobs where people's lives are in your hands (skyscraper construction workers, surgeons, air traffic controllers, etc. Basically, you want to avoid anything that could hurt/kill yourself from microsleep or cataplexy or other people’s affairs)

Look for:

1- Regular daytime working hours (unlike midwives or doctors, night shift work can also be difficult. Our brains are naturally deficient in regulating circadian rhythms, so we have to provide them with external help, such as constant sleep/wake Come time and use the sunshine to our advantage)

2- Relatively active (sedentary jobs can make it harder to stay alert and awake. I worked as a receptionist for a while (pre-diagnosis) and would sometimes fall asleep during slow hours. My current job is sedentary desk job, but I do my best to make it work since I also have some foot issues that prevent me from working with my feet.)

I work full time in a customer service/"call center" type job. I filed a "special arrangement" with HR, which was basically an extra 15 minutes of break time that I could spread throughout the day. I use it to stand up and walk around the floor to help me stay awake. Being on the phone means I'm talking loudly to people, which also helps me stay alert. There have been times in my life where I wasn’t able to work full time. I started working part-time at the company because that was all I could do at the time. I also took several months of disability leave last year while I adjusted my medications and diet.

#3 Physical Activity

I do well with physical activity. The military teaches soldiers that if they must stay awake and alert, they are more likely to not fall asleep if they keep walking.

I work in a banquet hall, which is physically demanding. Usually when everyone else is taking a break, I just keep working on my side hustle. If I stop to eat, it's hard to shake off the drowsiness and get back to work.

#4 Deli Job

For me...I collect SSDI and work. I can work and earn $1180 per month without penalty. So I worked 27 hours a week in the deli. It works for me because the environment is always fast-paced and there is never "nothing" to do. I only work in the evenings because that works best with my EDS schedule. I have a very strict sleep schedule so my nap times are consistent. And I don’t drive, so my workplace is accessible by bus.

I tried other jobs before I became disabled. I don’t think it’s possible for me to work a real full-time job every week. I had a great job working in a trophy shop. Just me and the master. So if I dozed off, he would wake me up and the day would go back to normal. I tried working as a receptionist and anything that involved sitting or staring at a screen for too long would put me to sleep. When we have to make training videos at work, I sometimes find it a little difficult. Fortunately, this is mostly common sense.


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