
What is xylitol?

Xylitol is classified as a sugar alcohol.

Chemically, sugar alcohols combine the properties of sugar molecules and alcohol molecules. Their structure allows them to stimulate the sweet taste receptors on the tongue.

Many fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of xylitol and are therefore considered natural. Humans can even produce small amounts of it through normal metabolism.

It is a common ingredient in sugar-free gum, candies, mints, diabetes-friendly foods and oral care products.

Xylitol is similar in sweetness to regular sugar but contains 40% fewer calories:

  • Table sugar: 4 calories per gram
  • Xylitol: 2.4 calories per gram

Store-bought xylitol comes as a white crystalline powder.

Since xylitol is a refined sweetener, it does not contain any vitamins, minerals or proteins. In this sense, it only provides empty calories.

Xylitol can be processed from trees such as birch or from plant fibers called xylan.

Although sugar alcohols are technically carbohydrates, most of them do not raise blood sugar levels and therefore do not count as net carbs, making them popular sweeteners in low-carb products.

Although the word "alcohol" is part of its name, it's not the kind of alcohol that gets you drunk. Sugar alcohols are safe for people with alcohol addiction.

Xylitol has a very low glycemic index and will not cause blood sugar or insulin to rise.

One of the negative effects of added sugar and high fructose corn syrup is that it can cause elevated blood sugar and insulin levels.

Due to its high fructose content, excessive consumption can also lead to insulin resistance and a variety of metabolic problems.

However, xylitol contains zero fructose and has negligible effects on blood sugar and insulin.

Therefore, any harmful effects of sugar do not apply to xylitol.

Xylitol has a glycemic index (GI) (a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar) of just 7, compared with 60-70 for regular sugar.

It's also considered a weight-loss sweetener because it contains 40% fewer calories than sugar.

Xylitol is an excellent sugar alternative for people with diabetes, prediabetes, obesity, or other metabolic issues.

While there are no corresponding human studies yet, rat studies have shown that xylitol can improve diabetes symptoms, reduce abdominal fat, and even prevent weight gain on an obese diet.

Xylitol promotes dental health

Many dentists recommend using xylitol-sweetened gum—and for good reason.

Research has determined that xylitol promotes dental health and helps prevent cavities.

One of the major risk factors for tooth decay is a type of oral bacteria called Streptococcus mutans. This is the bacteria that is the biggest cause of dental plaque.

While some plaque on your teeth is normal, too much plaque encourages your immune system to attack the bacteria within it. This can lead to inflammatory gum diseases such as gingivitis.

These oral bacteria feed on glucose in food but cannot utilize xylitol. Therefore, replacing sugar with xylitol reduces the fuel available to harmful bacteria.

Although these bacteria cannot use xylitol as fuel, they still ingest it. After absorbing xylitol, they are unable to absorb glucose - meaning their energy-producing pathways are blocked, ultimately leading to death.

In other words, when you chew gum containing xylitol or use it as a sweetener, harmful bacteria in your mouth are starved to death.

In one study, gum containing xylitol reduced levels of harmful bacteria by 27-75%, while levels of beneficial bacteria remained the same.

Animal studies also show that xylitol can increase calcium absorption by the digestive system, prevent osteoporosis, and strengthen teeth.

Human studies show that xylitol (either by replacing sugar or adding it to the diet) can reduce cavities and cavities by 30-85%.

Since inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases, reducing plaque and gum inflammation has benefits for other areas of the body as well.

Xylitol reduces ear and yeast infections

Your mouth, nose and ears are all connected.

As a result, the bacteria living in the mouth can eventually cause ear infections—a common problem in children.

It turns out that xylitol can starve some of these bacteria, just like it starves the bacteria that produce plaque.

One study of children with recurring ear infections found that daily use of xylitol gum reduced infection rates by 40%.

Xylitol also fights against Candida albicans, which can lead to Candida infections. Xylitol reduces the ability of yeast to stick to surfaces, helping to prevent infection.

Other potential health benefits

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is found in large amounts in skin and connective tissue.

Some studies on mice have linked xylitol to increased collagen production, which may help counteract the effects of skin aging.

Xylitol also prevents osteoporosis as it increases bone volume and bone mineral content in rats.

Keep in mind that human studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

Xylitol also nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, acts as soluble fiber and improves your digestive health.

Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs

In humans, xylitol is slowly absorbed and has no measurable effect on insulin production.

However, the same cannot be said for dogs.

When dogs eat xylitol, their bodies mistake it for glucose and start producing large amounts of insulin.

The dog's cells then begin to absorb glucose from the blood, which can lead to hypoglycemia, or hypoglycemia, and even death.

Xylitol may also have harmful effects on liver function in dogs, and high doses can cause liver failure.

It only takes 0.1 grams of xylitol per kilogram of body weight to be affected, so a 6-7 pound (3 kilogram) Chihuahua will only need 0.3 grams of xylitol to become sick. This is less than what is found in chewing gum.

If you have a dog, keep xylitol safely stored or out of your home entirely. If you think your dog has accidentally eaten xylitol, take him to the veterinarian immediately.

Side effects and dosage

Xylitol is generally well tolerated, but some people experience digestive side effects when they consume too much.

Sugar alcohols can draw water into the gut or be fermented by gut bacteria.

This can lead to gas, bloating, and diarrhea. However, your body seems to adapt well to xylitol.

If you increase your intake slowly and give your body time to adjust, you likely won't experience any negative effects.

Xylitol does appear to be completely safe for long-term consumption.

In one study, people consumed an average of 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) of xylitol per month—with a maximum daily intake of more than 30 tablespoons (400 grams)—without any negative effects.

People use sugar alcohols to sweeten coffee, tea, and a variety of recipes. You can replace sugar with xylitol in a 1:1 ratio.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or are intolerant to FODMAPs, be wary of sugar alcohols and consider avoiding them altogether.


As a sweetener, xylitol is a great choice.

Although some sweeteners may pose health risks, research shows that xylitol has actual health benefits.

It doesn't spike blood sugar or insulin, doesn't starve the plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth, and feeds the beneficial microorganisms in your digestive system.

If you're looking for a healthier alternative to regular sugar, try xylitol.


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