
What is copra?

The copra part of coconut is usually extracted from the dried coconut fruit. Dessicated coconut contains white meat, or coconut meat, which is in constant contact with coconut water.

Derived from the dried coconut kernel, copra plays a vital role in various industries and gastronomy around the world. This versatile product undergoes a meticulous extraction and drying process to become a valuable commodity that can serve as the basis for numerous applications, from cooking to beauty and skin care.

Extraction process

  1. Harvest: The journey of copra begins with the harvest of mature coconuts. These coconuts are carefully selected to reach the optimum stage of maturity.
  2. Shelling: After harvesting, the outer skin of the coconut is removed to reveal the hard shell containing the core, or "meat."
  3. Breaking: Crack the hard shell to extract the coconut water. This water is usually consumed as a refreshing drink and is produced differently from copra.
  4. Extract the kernel: The white kernel is then separated from the shell. This kernel will be converted into copra.
  5. Sun or kiln drying: The kernel (now called copra) is dried. Traditionally, coconut meat is left to dry naturally in the sun. In more modern processes, a kiln may be used to speed up the drying process.

Varieties of dried coconut

White coconut: Made by drying fresh coconut kernels in the sun or using a kiln. It retains its lighter color due to minimal exposure to smoke during drying.

Smoked Coconut: Dried using traditional smoking methods, this coconut meat exhibits a smoky aroma and darker color. Smoking is usually done over an open flame or using a designated smoking room.

What products can be made from desiccated coconut?

  • Make the coconut milk, coconut oil and copra paste.
  • Chop the dried coconut and extract the juice to make coconut milk. It is popular in baked goods, cakes and stews due to its milky appearance and unctuous flavor.
  • Coconut oil is extracted by boiling coconut milk under high pressure. Coconut oil has a wide range of applications in medicine and the kitchen, including the treatment of skin conditions.
  • Dried coconut is cut into fibers and boiled with sugar to make a delicious desiccated coconut paste.
  • Sticky rice and sweet and sour salad are common accompaniments to dishes including shredded coconut.
  • Although dried coconut water has a less intense flavor than fresh coconut water, it is more commonly used in cooking rather than as a drink.

culinary use

  • Cooking oil: Dessicated coconut is a major source of coconut oil, a staple in many cuisines. Oil is extracted from copra by pressing or solvent extraction.
  • Cooking Ingredients: Dessicated coconut, coconut flour and coconut milk are derived from dried coconuts and are important ingredients in baking and cooking.
  • Preparing Dried Coconut Milk : Dried coconut as the name suggests has high nutritional value. Therefore, it is always recommended to include it in the diet.

Non-cooking applications

Beauty benefits of desiccated coconut

Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer. If you regularly use copra or coconut oil as a facial mask, your face will become more hydrated, elastic, and whiter. Sunburn and dark skin can also be effectively treated with desiccated coconut. If you want to maintain your tan, use coconut oil immediately after spending time in the sun.

Coconut oil is effective in getting rid of dandruff and restoring healthy, shiny hair. To use, grate the dried coconut into small pieces, press out the water, and then sprinkle the grated dried coconut on your hair. After an overnight culture and shampooing, dandruff should be significantly reduced.

Industrial Uses: Copra is used in industries such as soap and detergent manufacturing, as well as in the production of certain chemicals.

Nutritional content

Nutritional Facts of Dessicated Coconut

Coconut meat is packed with nutrients that are good for you. Here are the nutritional facts per 100 grams:

  • Heat: 3.3 grams of protein,
  • Carbohydrates 15.23 grams,
  • 6.23 grams of sugar,
  • 9 grams of fiber,
  • Fat 29.7 grams,
  • Unit unsaturated 1.43 g,
  • Polyunsaturated 0.37 g.
  • Total calories 354.

Dried coconut contains the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 (6%), 0.066 mg;
  • Riboflavin (2%), 0.02 mg;
  • Niacin (4%), 0.54 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid (6%), 0.300 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, 0.054 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, 4%;
  • folic acid, 7%;
  • Vitamin C, 4%;

Copra contains the following minerals:

  • Calcium (1%),
  • Iron (19%),
  • Magnesium (9%),
  • Phosphorus (16%),
  • Potassium (8%),
  • Zinc (12%).

Health Benefits of Dessicated Coconut

  • Healthy fats: Dry coconut is a rich source of healthy saturated fats, especially lauric acid, which may have a variety of health benefits.
  • Fiber: Contains dietary fiber to support digestive health.
  • Protein and Nutrients: While the drying process may reduce certain nutrients, copra retains protein and essential nutrients.

Improve cognitive performance

Each of us can only perform up to the level of our IQ. The brain is responsible not only for our mental processes, but also for our actions, decisions, memories, and emotions. Despite its almost supernatural commanding abilities, the brain is still just a biological organ. Our own health depends on its condition. If mental health is not taken seriously, it can lead to neurological problems. Therefore, coconut is an excellent choice for keeping our brains safe and well-nourished. It has also been linked to easing Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Benefits for heart health

Researchers found that high coconut consumption among Polynesians was associated with significantly lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Many households in South India use coconut oil as the main cooking fat as it is widely believed to have no effect on blood cholesterol levels. Beneficial effects on cholesterol levels help improve heart health and extend life.

Powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants are ubiquitous in the diet today. They are praised for their ability to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals. Another source of oxidative stress is free radicals. Coconut meat is high in antioxidants. Gallic acid, salicylic acid, caffeic acid, and p-coumaric acid are all examples of these antioxidants.


Drying process: Traditional solar drying relies on weather, while modern kiln drying requires energy.

Quality issues: Quality may be affected by factors such as mold during the drying process or improper storage conditions.

in conclusion

Born from the tropical coconut tree, copra has transcended its origins to become an important part of different industries and kitchens around the world. From its rich, healthy fat to its role in culinary masterpieces and skin care essentials, copra remains a key player in global trade and daily life.


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