芥末可以幫助你的記憶力嗎? 一項新研究將壽司調味品與更好的大腦聯繫起來

Sushi lovers, listen up.

New research finds mustard is more than just a seasoning. Its active ingredient, 6-MSITC, is now not only a known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, but has also been linked to improved short- and long-term memory.

The study, published recently in the journal Nutrients by Northeastern University researchers, divided 72 healthy volunteers aged 60 to 80 into two groups. One subject took 100 mg of mustard extract, and the other took a placebo pill containing 0 mg of mustard.

After three months of daily use, I found the following:

Mustard’s Newly Discovered Benefits

After just a few months, people who took 100 milligrams of wasabi daily were tested on their language skills, concentration, and ability to complete simple tasks. Short-term and long-term memory improved in all.

Subjects who took mustard improved their episodic memory (the ability to learn, store and retrieve information) by an average of 18%, and their overall scores were 14% higher on average than those who took a placebo.

6-MSITC is also known for its anti-inflammatory effects, appearing to reduce inflammation in the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory (the hippocampus).

Mustard could be a breakthrough for dementia patients

Certain diets and exercises may seem too complex for older adults to follow.

He believes adding a daily supplement would be easier to adhere to for at-risk older adults and provide more benefits than other similarly used spices, such as ginger and turmeric.

Pure mustard is hard to find

Pure plant wasabi is native to Japan and is not available in large quantities. What you encounter at your local sushi restaurant is likely to be horseradish dyed green, and up to 99% of the wasabi sold in the United States is likely to be fake.

Since mustard is from the same Brassica family as horseradish and mustard, horseradish powder can easily be used as a substitute and go undetected.

Past research suggests mustard may have several other health benefits, including:

  • High levels of vitamin C support the immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory properties, as previously mentioned
  • Antibacterial action, as mentioned above
  • Prevent neurodegenerative diseases
  • Support heart health
  • Help lose weight
  • Support gut health
  • Promote bone health
  • Help sleep and eliminate fatigue
  • Anti-cancer properties


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