

In water treatment, it is used as an auxiliary in water softening systems, a coagulant aid to improve flocculation, and to remove dissolved silica and phosphates.

In construction technology, sodium aluminate is used to accelerate the setting of concrete, mainly during construction during frosts.

Sodium aluminate is also used in the paper industry, refractory brick production, alumina production, etc.

Sodium aluminate solution is an intermediate in zeolite production.

What happens when sodium aluminate reacts with water?

The sodium cation and aluminate anion form an ionic bond. Sodium aluminate has many uses, particularly in wastewater treatment and water softening. This occurs when sodium aluminate reacts with water to form aluminum hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. The hydroxyl ions in aluminum hydroxide can remove minerals.

What is sodium aluminate in the paper industry?

Sodium aluminate is used for water softening, better flocculation and effective removal of dissolved silica, fluoride and phosphate. Used to improve fiber opacity retention, paper strength and filling materials, as well as for refractory brick production, alumina production, etc.

Is sodium aluminate dangerous?

Contact may cause severe irritation and burns to skin and eyes and may cause eye damage. Inhalation of sodium aluminate can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs, causing coughing, wheezing, and/or shortness of breath. Sodium aluminate is a corrosive chemical.

What does sodium aluminate look like?

Sodium aluminate is an inorganic compound composed of sodium ions and aluminate ions. It is a white crystalline solid with a molecular weight of 81.99 g/mol. In the chemical industry, sodium aluminate has a wide range of applications for a variety of purposes.


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