
Does it really work?

It turns out that shopping really does lift your spirits. This is supported by a 2011 study that looked at 407 adults in three different experiments.

The study authors came to some conclusions:

  • Unplanned shopping seems to help relieve bad moods.
  • For people trying to avoid impulse purchases, resisting the urge to buy something has similar mood-boosting benefits.
  • Retail therapy typically does not involve negative effects such as buyer's remorse, guilt, anxiety, or other pain.
  • The mood improvements associated with retail therapy appear to persist beyond the purchase.

People often think of engaging in retail therapy as a slippery slope toward overspending, but researchers didn't find that to be the case. In fact, most participants stayed within their budget.

A second study in 2013 similarly found that retail therapy was an effective way to reverse low mood. Interestingly, it seems to be more beneficial for sad emotions, not necessarily angry ones.

Is it really that bad?

It's not uncommon for people to view retail therapy as a guilty pleasure or bad habit. But if it makes you feel better and doesn't involve feelings of regret, is it really that bad?

As with most things that feel good, moderation is key.

Your financial situation can also play a role in whether retail therapy is harmful. If you keep your purchases within your spending budget, you likely won't see any negative effects.

But if you spend more than you have, you could end up with a lot of debt over time, leading to even more pain.

Even too much window shopping can be a problem. It may not involve money, but it can make it difficult to take on responsibilities, spend time with loved ones, or participate in other hobbies or activities.

Is this the same as compulsive shopping?

Compulsive shopping or compulsive buying disorder and retail therapy both involve shopping. But other than that, they're completely different.

Experts believe the dopamine reward system, which is linked to addiction, can also lead to compulsive behaviors such as shopping.

Unlike retail therapy, the pleasure associated with compulsive shopping usually does not last past the moment of purchase.

After you buy something, especially if you didn't really want it, you may feel guilty or regretful. You might tell yourself you'll stop spending money, only to find that you just keep doing it.

For compulsive shopping, you may also:

  • buy things you don't need
  • Feeling like you have no control over shopping
  • Feel the need to hide purchases
  • Lie about how much you spent
  • Need to shop more as time goes on

Still, you can shop a lot and even spend more than you want without becoming a compulsive shopper. You can also experience compulsive buying patterns without going deeply into debt.

things to remember

There's no shame in using retail therapy from time to time to deal with stress or grief.

But if you know you tend to go shopping after a rough day, remembering these tips can help you continue to see the benefits— without the harm—from retail therapy.

stick to your budget

Most people would consider overspending and debt to be the main negative consequences of retail therapy.

To avoid this danger, budget your spending. Set aside some money each month for retail therapy, and then stay within that limit.

If you want to shop when you've already reached your spending limit, make a plan to save for what you want. Saving money for something you want can also feel rewarding, as can holding back when you feel like shopping.

Buy what you really need

If you know shopping makes you feel better, use your shopping trip to buy items you need, such as household groceries or toiletries.

Of course, grocery shopping isn't always the most exciting task, but maybe trying a new store will make it more appealing.

Simply viewing an item in a store (whether you plan to buy it or not) offers the same benefits as other types of shopping. You might even find a new product you're excited to try.

Try window shopping first

Browsing a store or adding items to an online shopping cart without clicking "Order" appears to offer similar benefits.

Next time you want to banish feelings of sadness or stress, do some window shopping before buying anything. Just take a look at what's out there and you may find your mood lifts.

For an even bigger mood boost, head to a mall or outdoor shopping strip for some exercise.

Think about your purchase first

If you're worried about buying too many things when you're feeling low, you might find it helpful to give yourself a short waiting period (perhaps a day or two) before making a purchase. This can help you determine that you actually need the item.

The act of buying and finding something you want, whether it's a heated blanket, a video game, or a new phone, may help improve your mood for the rest of the day.

If you're in a good mood the next day and still want the item (and have the necessary funds), go back and get it.

Get help for serious problems

Maybe you're stressed about starting a new job, so you buy yourself a new outfit. Or maybe your final research project presentation didn't go as well as you'd hoped, so you treat yourself to a nice dinner.

These problems are temporary, situational problems. They do not in themselves indicate underlying suffering.

However, if you want to go shopping after a fight with your partner (which seems to happen all the time), or find yourself browsing online stores (while neglecting important tasks) during the workday when you're feeling anxious, you may want to consider exploring these issues with a therapist .

When to ask for help

Shopping can help you feel better, but it doesn't directly solve the deeper problem. Using shopping or any other coping method to avoid ongoing pain often makes things worse in the long run.

Coping techniques can help you get through difficult times. But they don’t offer lasting relief from mental health problems. To truly relieve pain, you must identify and address its cause. A therapist can help with this.

If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, job dissatisfaction, grief, or any other issue, be sure to talk to a professional.

if you:

  • Feeling the need or urge to shop
  • Often spending more money than you want (or have to) spend
  • Feeling irritable, anxious or ashamed after shopping
  • Neglecting responsibilities for the sake of shopping
  • Try to solve the problem without shopping
  • Using shopping to cope with persistent emotional distress


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