
Blackcurrant benefits for the brain

Proven to be a powerful yet safe MAO enzyme inhibitor that is as effective as some leading medications. MAO enzyme oxidation has been implicated in neurocognitive diseases such as Parkinson's disease and dementia.

Research also shows that berries such as black currants may protect against age-related neurodegenerative diseases and improve motor and cognitive function. Berries can also regulate signaling pathways related to inflammation, cell survival, and neurotransmission through the extremely high content of anthocyanins and other compounds in black currants, and enhance neuroplasticity .

Reduces mental fatigue – The anthocyanins in berries make them “super,” and New Zealand blackcurrants have the highest anthocyanin content of any berry on the planet. One study shows that blackcurrant extract can reduce mental fatigue during stressful cognitive tasks.

Blackcurrants are also very high in vitamin C compared to most fruits. Vitamin C plays an important role in the differentiation and maturation of neurons and the formation of myelin, which protects neurons and accelerates impulse transmission, making the vitamin crucial for cognitive abilities.

Stay alert and accurate – In the same study, blackcurrant juice and extract showed benefits in improving sustained attention and accuracy on stressful tasks. The study also showed that the effects were amplified over time the more stressed and fatigued the participants were.

Blackcurrant juice reduces anxiety and boosts brain function

While blackcurrants are widely consumed in Europe, they are not as popular in North America, largely due to long-standing restrictions on their cultivation and trade. However, it is believed to have neuroprotective and nootropic properties due to the combined effects of powerful phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, caffeic acid, catechins, quercetin, kaempferol, and tannins.

Because the berry has not been widely studied, this human trial sheds new light on the benefits of consuming blackcurrant juice by linking it to reduced anxiety and improved cognitive function.

Brain waves enable neurological development in infants and children and allow for neuronal connections in adult life. Therefore, cognitive activities depend largely on their good functioning. Brain wave imbalances are associated with anxiety and other brain disorders.

In the double-blind trial, conducted at Newcastle University in the UK, nine healthy young people took anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant juice containing 500 mg of polyphenols or a placebo. Brain wave oscillations associated with wakefulness and sleep were measured using electroencephalography (EEG) before and after the volunteers drank the beverage.


After taking a serving of blackcurrant juice, the EEG showed a suppression of alpha waves (more pronounced during wakefulness) and an increase in delta and theta slow waves (usually seen during deep sleep). These changes produce an anxiolytic effect, while the rise in beta waves is usually in response to external stimulation or specific mental activity and is associated with an increased state of alertness and a reduced level of fatigue.

What does it mean?

Scientific research has repeatedly shown the positive effects of berries on the human brain, and it is generally believed that fruits rich in phenolic acids, especially dark-colored fruits such as blueberries and blackberries, provide the greatest benefits.

Although the sample size is small, the results of this trial are promising because they provide a better understanding of the mechanisms by which plant compounds affect brain function. While further research is needed to confirm these findings, current evidence supports that consuming blackcurrant juice can enhance cognitive function and reduce anxiety.


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