energy boost
Find yourself slumped at your desk around mid-afternoon? Try swapping your energy drink for fruity blackcurrant tea. Research shows that blackcurrant extract, which is rich in antioxidants, can help people stay alert, reduce mental fatigue, and even work more accurately during stressful situations.
Recover faster
A recent pilot study conducted by Chichester's Department of Sport and Exercise Science showed that triathletes taking blackcurrant powder could reduce lactic acid buildup without affecting their performance. So, next time you hit the gym, tap into the power of some blackcurrants—in the form of fresh berries, juice, powder, jam, or oil—to help you push harder.
grow old gracefully
The anthocyanins in black currants prevent this , thanks to their deep purple color – a lot cheaper than a trip to the salon!
stay healthy
Vitamin C is important for our immune system, save your vitamin C. Blackcurrants have more vitamin C than oranges for the same weight .
good eyes
A daily blackcurrant will support your eye function and health.
gut health
Black currants help increase the levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
What's in a blackcurrant?
Most people are unaware of the great nutritional value of black currants. Blackcurrants are an excellent source of anthocyanins, important health-promoting antioxidants that help prevent disease, especially cancer and heart disease. Eating blackcurrants or drinking blackcurrant juice as part of a healthy diet is a simple, natural way to increase your antioxidant intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Like most fruits, blackcurrants contain a lot of water, but they are also packed with important antioxidants, fiber and energy. Blackcurrants may be small, but they are one of the richest natural sources of important antioxidants such as anthocyanins and vitamin C. Blackcurrants have more than three times the vitamin C content of oranges, and the anthocyanin content is second only to certain types of blueberries.
These anthocyanins can help fight cardiovascular disease, aging, joint inflammation, eye strain, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even cancer.
Are all blackcurrants the same?
No, they are not - different varieties of blackcurrant shrubs have different properties and produce different varieties of fruit. Where and how the bushes are grown also affects the composition of the berries.
The composition of blackcurrants varies greatly depending on their degree of ripeness - the sugar, fruit acid and anthocyanin content generally increases as the fruit ripens.
What else is black currant good for me?
In addition to high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants, blackcurrants contain soluble and insoluble fiber and important carbohydrates to provide you with energy.
Soluble fiber helps slow the release of nutrients, especially glucose, into the bloodstream, which is healthier for the body.
Insoluble fiber speeds the movement of food through the large intestine. This will help you stay regular and feel full, and may even help reduce your risk of cancer.
Blackcurrants also contain fructose and glucose, which provide you with energy.
How about blackcurrant juice?
During the non-harvest season, drinking blackcurrant juice is an easy way to get the best blackcurrant goodness. Blackcurrant juice is usually concentrated before being used in beverages.
What nutrients do they contain?
Blackcurrants contain many nutrients. They are widely regarded as a good source of vitamin C, providing almost three times the recommended daily allowance (RDA) per 100g serving.
Blackcurrants are a source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps slow the release of nutrients (especially glucose) into the bloodstream, while insoluble fiber helps us feel full and speeds the movement of food through the large intestine.
They also provide energy, mainly in the form of fructose and glucose, and the seeds contain essential fatty acids: these fats play a vital role in the body, but the body cannot make them on its own.
In addition to containing useful levels of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, some blackcurrant phytochemicals (substances produced by the plant) are said to have other health benefits. The main category of blackcurrant phytochemicals associated with these benefits are antioxidants.
The composition of blackcurrants varies greatly depending on the stage of growth the berries are in. Sugar, acid and anthocyanin content changes during berry development and usually increases as the fruit ripens. There are also differences between varieties, and even differences between the same variety grown in different regions.
Note: One gram (g) contains one thousand milligrams (mg). One gram (g) contains one million micrograms (μg). One gram (g) contains one billion nanograms (ng).