
Benefits of apple juice

Apple juice is a low-cost beverage with many benefits. It contains fructose, glucose, vitamins A and C, and cellulose. Drinking apple juice can supplement various nutrients. It produces gas in the intestines and promotes intestinal peristalsis and digestion. The isoflavones in apples help suppress asthma. Potassium can relieve arthritis and rheumatism. The soluble fiber in apple juice prevents cholesterol from depositing on blood vessel walls, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and arteriosclerosis. In addition, apple juice is an intestinal cleanser. As a low-calorie disease, it can reduce the risk of liver and kidney disease.

Apple juice production process

Apple juice can be divided into clear juice and cloudy juice. Their production processes are similar, including fruit sorting, crushing, washing, juice extraction, clarification/homogenization, mixing, sterilization, filling and cooling. Their difference lies in a process. Homogenize it to make cloudy juice, and clarify it to make transparent juice.


  • Fruit sorting machine
  • Fruit washing machine
  • Screw juicer
  • Fruit Beater
  • Juice homogenizer
  • Juice filter
  • Bottle filling machine
  • Sterilization pot
  • Fruit elevator

Apple sorting

This process is completed by the fruit sorter. The purpose is to eliminate rotten, diseased and mechanically damaged apples, and to select mature, intact, top-quality apples as raw materials to ensure the quality of apple juice. Some apples have disease or mechanical damage in some parts, which can be trimmed with a stainless steel knife. In addition, the stem and core should be removed before juicing.

Apple sorting

Apple cleaning

In mass production of apple juice, apples are cleaned with a fruit bubble washing machine.

Apple cleaning

Apple squeezed juice

Use a stainless steel crusher to crush the apples into pieces. These apple pieces are then fed into the screw juicer at one time. Make sure the screw juicer is clean and disinfected.

Apple squeezed juice


Apple juice should be put into a jacketed jug or tube sterilizer to eliminate bacteria and enzymes. The sterilization temperature should be maintained at 85°C and cooled to 65°C.


Homogenization of cloudy juice

Homogenization is the process of making cloudy juice. It is carried out under a pressure of 100-120kg/cm2. It is recommended to degas the apple juice with a vacuum of 600mmHg.

cloudy apple juice manufacturing juice homogenizer

Clarified juice

Clarification and filtration is the process of making clear apple juice. The extracted juice is first clarified with an enzyme preparation method, and then filtered with a beverage filter. Clarified apple juice should be clear and transparent, otherwise it needs to be filtered again.

The pH value of apple juice is usually 3.2-4.0, and the most favorable pH value for pectinase is 3.5-5.0. This means that pectinase works very well in apple juice and there is no need to adjust the pH. But sometimes the pH value of apple juice exceeds the requirement of pectinase, and the pH value needs to be adjusted according to different apple juice. Do not use alkali for this operation, otherwise it will affect the quality of apple juice.

The clarification effect is affected by temperature. Increasing the temperature without affecting the enzyme activity can improve the clarification effect and shorten the clarification time. Temperature 34-40, pH 3.5, add 0.025% pectinase and 0.005% gelatin, the apple juice will clarify after 30-60 minutes. When the temperature and pH are the same, the clarification time is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration. 0.005% gelatin can shorten the clarification time by 50%.

Apple juice stir

Makes natural apple juice taste better. We usually add some additives to adjust the sugar content to 12% and the acidity to 0.4%.

Apple juice filing and sealing

In the apple juice production line, we use a quantitative filling machine to fill apple juice into cans or bottles. Before filling, the temperature of apple juice should be higher than 70°C.

For metal cans, they are sealed with a can seamer. If it is sealed in a bottle, it needs a capping machine. Ensure that the juice temperature is higher than 65-70°C.

Apple juice filing and sealing

Sterilization and cooling

Canned juice should be sterilized in hot water at 85°C. The sterilization time should be kept at about 10 minutes. After that, the apple juice should be poured into cold water and cooled to room temperature.

Sterilization and cooling


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