
Control your home environment

  • Only eat while sitting in the kitchen or at the dining table. Don't eat while watching TV, reading, cooking, talking on the phone, standing in front of the refrigerator, or working on the computer.
  • Keep tempting foods away from home – don’t buy them.
  • Keep tempting foods out of sight. Have low-calorie meals ready.
  • Stay out of the kitchen unless you are preparing a meal.
  • Pack healthy snacks such as small pieces of fruit, vegetables, canned fruit, pretzels, low-fat cheese, and nonfat cheese.

Control your work environment

  • Don’t eat at your desk or leave tempting snacks on your desk.
  • If you feel hungry between meals, plan healthy snacks and take them with you to work.
  • During your breaks, go for a walk instead of eating.
  • If you're dealing with food, plan ahead for one item you'll eat at mealtime.
  • Make chewing food less convenient by chewing gum, sugar-free candy, or drinking water or other low-calorie drinks.
  • Don't work through your meals. Skipping meals slows down your metabolism and may lead to overeating at the next meal.
  • If there is food for the special occasion, either choose the healthiest option, eat low-fat snacks brought from home, offer nothing, choose an option and eat a small amount, or just have a drink.

Control your dining environment

  • Serve a plate of food on the stove or kitchen counter. Don't put serving plates on the table. If you do leave utensils on the table, remove them immediately after eating.
  • Fill half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with starch.
  • Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses. The smaller portion looks huge when it's on a small plate.
  • Politely decline a second helping.
  • When securing your plate, limit portion sizes to one scoop/serving or less.

daily diet management

  • Replace eating with another activity that you don’t associate with food.
  • Wait 20 minutes before eating what you want.
  • Drink a large glass of water or diet soda before eating.
  • Drink a large glass or bottle of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid high-calorie additives such as cream in coffee, butter, mayonnaise and salad dressings.


  • Don't shop when you're hungry or tired.
  • Shop from the list and avoid buying anything that isn't on your list.
  • If you must eat tempting foods, buy individual-sized packages and try to find lower-calorie alternatives.
  • Don't taste test in the store.
  • Read food labels. Compare products to help you make the healthiest choice.


  • Chew a piece of gum while cooking.
  • If you taste food, use a quarter teaspoon.
  • Try to fix only what you're going to eat and leave yourself no chance for seconds.
  • If you're preparing more food than you need, portion it into individual containers and freeze or refrigerate it immediately.
  • Don't snack while cooking.


  • eat slowly. Remember, it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send the message to your brain that it's full. Don’t let false hunger make you think you need more.
  • The ideal way to eat is to take a bite, put down the cutlery, take a sip of water, cut off a bite, eat a little, put down the cutlery, etc.
  • Don't cut all the food at once. Cut only as needed.
  • Chew food in small bites.
  • Stop eating for at least a minute or two during meals or snacks. Take a break to reflect and engage in conversation.

Cleanup and leftovers

  • Label leftovers from specific meals or snacks.
  • Freeze or refrigerate individual portions of leftovers.
  • If you're still hungry, don't clean up.

Eating out and social eating

  • Don't come hungry. Eat something light before meals.
  • Try to eat more low-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits, and less high-calorie foods.
  • Eat the foods you love, but choose smaller portions.
  • If you want seconds, wait at least 20 minutes after you finish eating to see if you're really hungry or if your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages. Try club soda with a little lime.
  • Don't skip other meals of the day to save room for special events.

in restaurant

  • A la carte rather than buffet style.
  • Order some vegetables or a salad as an appetizer instead of eating bread.
  • If you order a high-calorie dish, share it with others.
  • Try mint and coffee after a meal. If you have dessert, share it with two or more people.
  • Don't overeat because you don't want to waste food. Ask for a doggie bag to bring home more food.
  • Before serving your meal, tell the server to put half of your entree in a to-go bag.
  • Ask for salad dressing, gravy or fatty sauces. Dip the tip of a fork into the dressing before each bite.
  • If bread is offered, ask for only one portion. Try it plain without butter or oil. Italian restaurants that put oil and vinegar on their bread use only a small amount of oil and a lot of vinegar for dipping.

at friend's house

  • Offer low-calorie dishes, appetizers or desserts.
  • Give yourself a small portion, or tell the host you only want a small portion.
  • Stand or sit away from the snack table. If you're near food, stay out of the kitchen or stay busy.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.

In cafeterias and cafeterias

  • Cover most of the plate with lettuce and/or vegetables.
  • Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.
  • After you finish eating, clear your dishes before drinking coffee or tea.

Entertain at home

  • Discover low-fat, low-cholesterol recipes.
  • Use single-serve items such as chicken breasts or hamburger patties.
  • Prepare low-calorie appetizers and desserts.


  • Keep tempting foods out of sight.
  • Decorate your home without using food.
  • Prepare low-calorie drinks and food for guests.
  • Give yourself a planned treat every day.
  • Don’t skip meals for a holiday feast. Eat regularly and in a planned way.

exercise well

  • Make exercise a priority and planned activity throughout the day.
  • If possible, walk all or part of the distance to work.
  • Find an exercise buddy. Take a walk with your colleagues during your break, go to the gym, go for a run or walk with friends, walk in the mall with your shopping buddies.
  • Park at the end of the lot and walk to the store or office entrance.
  • Always take the stairs to your floor.
  • If you have a desk job, move around the office frequently.
  • Sit at your desk and do leg raises.
  • Do something outdoors on the weekend, like going hiking or biking.

have a healthy attitude

  • Make health your first priority in weight management.
  • Be realistic. Have a goal for achieving better health that isn't necessarily a minimum or ideal weight based on calculations or tables.
  • Focus on healthy eating patterns rather than dieting. Diets usually last for a short period of time and rarely produce long-term success.
  • Think long term. You are developing new healthy behaviors to follow next month, a year and ten years from now.


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