CPAP 機器可以用於 COVID-19 嗎?

What is a CPAP machine?

A CPAP machine delivers consistent air pressure to your airways, which helps keep those airways open.

Generally speaking, a CPAP machine has several basic parts:

  • A mask that covers the mouth and nose
  • Straps to help hold the mask in place
  • Tubing to connect the mask to the motor
  • Motor for supplying air to tubes and masks

What are CPAP machines typically used for?

One of the common uses of CPAP machines that you may be familiar with is to treat sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, your airways become blocked during sleep, which reduces or stops your airflow. This is called an apneic episode.

The constant air pressure provided by a CPAP machine helps open your airways while you sleep, reducing the frequency of apnea episodes or eliminating them entirely. Therefore, a CPAP machine is one of the first-line treatments for sleep apnea.

CPAP machines are also used in neonatal intensive care units (NICU). In this case, they can help treat premature babies with underdeveloped lungs.

Can a CPAP machine help with breathing difficulties caused by COVID-19?

Studies of CPAP machines to treat COVID-19 have been limited to individuals who are hospitalized with severe illness, usually in an intensive care unit (ICU). In these settings, CPAP machines are used as a way to manage low oxygen levels and keep people off mechanical ventilators, similar to oxygen therapy.

For people with life-threatening respiratory failure from COVID-19, a CPAP machine is beneficial in the first few days of hospital admission, but only if the infection clears within seven days, a study has found. For longer hospital stays, using a CPAP machine increases the risk of death.

Other studiesTrusted Source compared the use of CPAP machines with oxygen therapy in COVID-19 patients considered unlikely to benefit from mechanical ventilation. The study found that CPAP machines provided little benefit over oxygen in terms of clinical outcomes, and that using CPAP machines was more challenging.

A third studiedTrusted Source cited CPAP machines as a way to keep people off mechanical ventilation after entering the hospital with COVID-19. Continue using the CPAP machine until oxygenation steadily improves, intubation, or death. Of the 53 people on the CPAP machine: 12 avoided intubation, 13 were intubated, and 19 died.

What other breathing assistance devices are available to help COVID-19 patients breathe?

Generally speaking, there are two methods a doctor or health care professional can use to help a COVID-19 patient breathe. These are supplemental oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation.

supplemental oxygen therapy

Supplemental oxygen therapy focuses on providing your body with extra oxygen. This is usually given through a mask or a nasal cannula, which consists of two prongs that clip over the nose.

There is also a type of supplemental oxygen therapy called high-flow oxygen therapy, in which air and oxygen are delivered at a higher rate. The device heats and humidifies the air so that it does not dry out the respiratory tract.

Because high-flow oxygen therapy delivers oxygen more quickly, it may be beneficial if you have more severe respiratory failure.

Mechanical Ventilation

As we mentioned earlier, mechanical ventilation can help you breathe when you can't breathe on your own. It delivers air and oxygen to your lungs while helping to remove carbon dioxide.

Most people on ventilators are in intensive care units. The device will monitor vital signs such as breathing rate, blood oxygen levels and heart rate of these people.

When you are on a ventilator, an endotracheal tube is placed in your windpipe to deliver air. Sedatives are also often given. Unable to eat due to endotracheal intubation, nutrition was provided through a feeding tube.

Breathing exercises for recovery after COVID-19

If you get COVID-19, it may take some time for your lungs to recover. During this time, you may find that your breathing continues to be short, especially when you exert yourself.

Note the importance of breathing exercises as part of COVID-19 recovery. Here are some breathing exercises you can try:

diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing involves breathing from the abdomen rather than the chest. It helps improve breathing and strengthens the diaphragm. Do diaphragmatic breathing:

  1. Put your hands on your belly.
  2. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose. You should feel your stomach expand as you do this.
  3. Exhale through your mouth. Ideally, the duration of your exhalation should be 2 to 3 times longer than your inhalation. As you exhale, you should feel your stomach move inward.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 1 minute.

Additionally, experts at Johns Hopkins University recommend doing diaphragmatic breathing exercises in stages based on your personal abilities.

They recommend starting with back breathing exercises with your legs bent. Next, it is recommended to try it while lying on your stomach, then while sitting, and finally while standing.

yawn smile

This exercise helps with breathing as well as improving coordination and upper body strength. go a head:

  1. Sit up straight on the edge of your chair.
  2. Yawn widely as you stretch your arms above your head.
  3. Bring your arms back to your sides and smile as you do so.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 1 minute.

hum as you exhale

This exercise works by helping the blood vessels in your body dilate, allowing more oxygen to flow to your body's organs and tissues. Humming is also a relaxing sound, so it may also help relieve feelings of anxiety. Do this exercise:

  1. Sit up straight on the edge of your chair and place your hands on your stomach.
  2. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose. Try breathing like you practiced diaphragmatic breathing, feeling your stomach expand as you inhale.
  3. Keep your mouth closed and exhale through your nose while humming.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 1 minute.

There is no research or evidence to support the use of CPAP machines in the home setting to treat COVID-19.


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