
From jungle to table

Around 2000 BC, Indians began to domesticate the Southeast Asian red jungle fowl. Today, its descendant, chicken, dominates plates around the world. Americans eat more of it than any other protein. The average person eats more than 98 pounds of chicken per year.

Arsenic content

For decades, poultry producers have added the arsenic-based drug roxarsone to chicken feed. It makes chickens grow faster and gives their raw meat an attractive pink color. This drug has not been on the market since 2011, but many other arsenic-containing drugs are still part of chicken feed. Even in low levels, arsenic can cause cancer, heart disease and diabetes. If you're concerned, stick with certified organic chicken, as arsenic is not allowed in the feed.

Know your labels

A "Sanitary Inspection" seal indicates that the USDA or a state agency inspected your chickens and found no signs of disease. Other labels will tell you more about how chickens live. Chickens labeled organic get organic feed instead of living in cages. Free-range poultry either live outside or have access to the outdoors. Cage-free means they are not in a cage, but that does not mean they are outdoors.

nutritional value

Chicken has as much protein as beef and pork, but without the fat and calories. One 268-calorie breast contains 33 grams of protein, which supports your bones, muscles, skin, blood and immune system. It also contains nearly 10% of the magnesium you need every day, as well as iron, which carries oxygen to cells. Bonus: Chicken contains high levels of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that produces mood-boosting serotonin.

Chicken and cholesterol

New evidence shakes up the long-held theory that chicken is better for your cholesterol levels than other meats. A recent study found that if all meats contained the same amount of saturated fat, they had the same impact on cholesterol. By itself, one chicken breast contains 63% of the daily recommended cholesterol. Choose skinless chicken, bake it instead of fry it, and cut down on saturated fat as much as possible.

healthy portion

Recommended serving sizes are recommended amounts for a healthy diet; your choice is how much you choose to eat. One serving of cooked chicken is 3 ounces. This is about the size of a deck of cards and much smaller than a restaurant-style chicken breast.

Cheap and versatile

Chicken is extremely popular for two reasons: price and versatility. It's much cheaper than beef or pork because there's more variety. U.S. factories process more than 9 billion chickens each year. This compares with 32.2 million cattle and 121 million pigs. You can cook chicken any way you want. It is mild enough to be used in many dishes.

Best chicken part

The leanest, healthiest chicken you can eat is skinless white meat breast. When you roast the chicken, leave the skin on to seal in moisture and flavor. Then trim it and the fat underneath before eating. Little heartbroken chicken. It may not be as thin as you think. It usually contains dark flesh and skin. Look for labels that say 90% lean ground meat.

foodborne illness

Chicken is good for you...as long as you cook it right. Bacteria love raw chicken. The most common species are Campylobacter, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens. About 1 million people become sick each year from eating poultry that contains one or more bacteria.

To wash or not to wash

No matter what the recipe says, don't wash raw chicken before cooking. You can't wash away germs, but you can spread it to your sink, kitchen counters, utensils, and other nearby foods.

Know the temperature

No matter how you cook the chicken, make sure it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit ( 74 degrees Celsius) . This is the only way to kill all bacteria. Store cooked or raw chicken in the refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius ) or lower. This is also the safest place to defrost chicken, not on the countertop or in cold water.

Safe handling of chicken

Bacteria live in raw chicken and its juices. Whenever possible, place chicken in disposable grocery store bags to prevent it from coming into contact with other foods. At home, wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after handling raw chicken. Use a separate cutting board and clean anything that comes into contact with the raw chicken after use.

Antibiotic risks

As a way to control disease, some chicken farmers add antibiotics to the feed or drinking water they give their flocks. These medications are not harmful to you or the chickens, but they can make you resistant to the antibiotics you may need to fight your own disease. If this worries you, look for labels that say chicken does not contain antibiotics.

The truth about chicken nuggets

Your chicken nuggets may contain more than just meat. A study of chicken nuggets from fast-food chains found they were half-meat. The other half is made up of fat, blood vessels, nerves, bone, connective tissue and other filler. All chicken is processed, but if you want the healthiest chicken, stick to whole cuts, like breasts or thighs.


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