
Describing Over 200 Symptoms

The new definition of long COVID includes over 200 symptoms and does not restrict when they may begin to appear.


Long COVID has affected millions of Americans across nearly all age groups. However, until now, there has been no standard definition for this condition. On June 11, 2024, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) announced their definition of long COVID.

Importance of Standardization

Previous definitions of long COVID varied, each with its accepted symptoms, timelines, and infection proof requirements. This lack of standardization made it difficult for many patients to receive confirmation and explain their condition to family and healthcare providers. NASEM's definition provides the necessary recognition for long COVID patients, improving diagnosis and treatment.

Participants and Definition Establishment

Over 1,300 people participated in establishing this definition. The committee decided to use the term "long COVID" from patients rather than other medical terms like "post-acute sequelae of COVID-19." This choice validates the efforts of patients who have struggled for recognition.

Definition of Long COVID

According to NASEM's definition, long COVID is a medical condition that persists for at least three months after infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID-19). Long COVID can affect any organ or system in the body and may present with over 200 symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, brain fog, blood clots, dizziness, extreme fatigue after exertion, loss of taste or smell, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, constipation, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases (like lupus). These symptoms can appear individually or in various combinations, be continuous, progressively worsening, or have recurring episodes.

No Positive Test Result Required

Long COVID can occur in anyone with mild to severe symptoms during the initial infection and can even affect those who had no symptoms initially. For this reason, the definition does not require a positive COVID test result for a long COVID diagnosis. This is particularly important for those who could not access tests or had false-negative results during the early pandemic.

Considerations for Health Equity

This broad definition is crucial for health equity. NASEM committee member Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez stated that this approach aims to ensure those without access to tests or with false-negative results are included.

Future Changes to the Definition

The definition will be revised based on new scientific discoveries, with NASEM planning to update it within three years or sooner.

Impact on Patients and Healthcare

NASEM's support has legitimized and recognized long COVID, which is significant for patients and their advocates. Some have attributed this condition to mental health issues, but extensive research indicates that long COVID involves widespread biological changes.

Assistance for Clinical Diagnosis

This new definition can help patients demonstrate the reality of their condition to doctors and promote healthcare providers' understanding and acceptance of this condition. Long COVID patients can use this definition to support their diagnosis and treatment needs.

Future Research on Long COVID

Over time, the definition of long COVID may be refined to include different subtypes. Such refinement will help more accurately identify and treat the diverse symptoms of long COVID patients.


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