
What exactly is beetroot? What is their history?

While beetroot and beetroot products are becoming increasingly popular in the natural foods market, beetroot is by no means new. Records show that people in ancient Babylon, Greece and Rome enjoyed eating root vegetables, and archaeologists have also found evidence of their use in certain areas of North Africa. Ancient civilizations originally used beets' leaves and stems for cooking and their roots as medicine. The ancient Greeks and Romans even turned to beets for their aphrodisiac properties.

The closest thing to modern beetroots were first discovered in Germany and Italy in the late 1500s. This form of the vegetable has larger roots and smaller stems and leaves than the ancient version.

In the 1700s, German chemists found a way to make sugar from beets. Today, this method is used on a specific subtype of beet called beetroot, whose roots are much larger than table beets and are white or beige in color. Originating in what is now western Poland, sugar beets came to the United States in the late 19th century as part of increased sugar production in California. Other types of beetroot were brought to the United States much earlier, and historians believe they were introduced by American colonists.

What's in beetroot? Nutritional contents of root vegetables

Beetroot is a low-calorie food that is rich in various nutrients. The following nutritional estimates from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are based on ½ cup of beetroot flakes:

  • Calories: 35
  • Protein: 1 gram (g) (2% of the daily value, or DV)
  • Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 8 grams
  • Fiber: 1 g (4% DV)
  • Sugar: 6 grams
  • Iron: 0.4 milligrams (mg) (2.22% DV)
  • Sodium: 250 mg

Beetroot is also a source of betaine, an antioxidant evident in its rich red roots. Beetroot is also a great source of manganese, folate and vitamin B2. Beetroot is also a source of potassium, which USDA guidelines say support bones and Muscles contain approximately 259 mg per half-cup serving, which means they provide about 5.5% of the DV.

What are the benefits of eating beetroot?

The health benefits of beetroot are extensive. Like most other plant foods, beetroot is rich in nutrients but low in calories. Their antioxidants also provide additional benefits, such as reducing the risk of cell damage.

Generally speaking, beets are part of a group of vegetables and fruits that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and dementia.

Antioxidants give beets their bright red color. As a general rule of thumb, the more brightly colored plant foods you include in your diet, the more antioxidants you consume. Even beets contain beta-carotene, which is also found in carrots, spinach and broccoli. Eating more antioxidants may help reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Beetroot’s potassium content may also play an important role in blood pressure regulation. While small amounts of sodium are necessary, too much sodium in the diet can increase blood pressure over time. Potassium helps eliminate excess sodium from the blood through urine.

How drinking beetroot juice can help reduce high blood pressure

In another study, anemic Indian girls who drank beetroot juice saw increased levels of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. A person with anemiahas low red blood cells or hemoglobin levels.

Still, more research is needed to understand how supplementary forms of beetroot may affect human health.

Beetroot has a reputation throughout history as an aphrodisiac. It is said that Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love, ate beetroots to make herself more attractive.

While eating beetroot alone won’t make you more attractive, this myth may actually stem from the nutrients in beets that can make you feel better and potentially increase your sexual desire. These include betaine, boron, and tryptophan.

What types of beets can be eaten?

The beets we know today in the United States are one of four types of beets known as garden beets. Other types of sugar beets include sugar beets and sugar beets used for livestock.

But the variety doesn't stop there. The National Gardening Association has identified five subtypes of garden beetroot, including:

  • Detroit Crimson These have the deepest red roots of all garden beets
  • Formanova grows in a cylindrical shape
  • Lutz Green Leaf This variety is the largest of all types of garden beets
  • Chioggia These beets have red and white stripes on their roots
  • Golden beetroot is carrot color

Is beetroot good for weight loss?

Some people tout beet supplements as performance enhancers, and increased exercise can play a role in your overall weight loss efforts. But know that beet supplements alone won't help you lose weight. Central to the potential weight-loss benefits of vegetables is the plant's nutrient density: It provides fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins while still being low in calories.

Can diabetics eat beetroot?

Yes - beets are a great food choice, especially for people with type 2 diabetes. In addition to its nutrient density, an antioxidant called lipoic acid is of particular interest in diabetes because it may help repair damaged nerves.

Can beetroot "detoxify" the body? If so, how does that work?

Due to the nutritional value of beets, there are rumors online that they can detoxify the liver. This statement is often associated with beet juice because it is easy to drink in large amounts during a detox.

The idea with detoxification, so to speak, and other types of liver detoxification methods is to flush out built-up toxins and refresh your liver. Some say detoxing can help your liver function more efficiently. But the truth is, there's no clinical evidence that beetroot detoxifies the body—and there's not enough solid evidence that any type of liver detox works well.

Tips for selecting and storing beets

The best whole beetroot roots are free of bruises and blemishes. If you're looking for beets with a more tender texture, choose medium-sized beets. Larger versions tend to be sturdier and may also be more difficult to cut.

Beets can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week until you are ready to use them. They can also be chopped and frozen, canned or pickled. Some people also like to eat the leaves and stems. Whether you plan to eat beets or not, make sure you buy them with the greens still attached - they indicate the freshness of the plant and help keep the roots fresh.

How to eat and cook beetroot, and beetroot recipe ideas

Like other root vegetables, beets are versatile in cooking. Both leaves and roots can be roasted or sautéed. Alternatively, you can slice the roots and eat them fresh as a snack or add them to salads. Another way is to puree the cooked root to make hummus or use it as a base for baking. You can add beets to your favorite smoothies for an extra kick).

Consider these recipes to make your own beets:

  • Strawberry and Beet Salad
  • Vegan packaged hummus
  • Beet Turmeric Mango Smoothie
  • Pancakes and Waffles

Beet juice and supplements are also available at natural food stores. However, you're more likely to get the full benefits of beetroot by consuming the whole food.

Are there other uses for beetroot?

Beetroot has been popular in the athletic world as a possible way to help improve athletic performance. Beet juice and beetroot supplements are said to help dilate your blood vessels while you exercise, delivering more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles so you can exercise for longer. However, the jury is still out on whether this actually helps relieve muscle fatigue. Beets are more likely to help people who exercise recreationally rather than bodybuilders or other high-endurance athletes. Still, many athletes, including Olympians, swear by it.

Food manufacturers also use beets to add a red color to some foods. This does not mean that the food in question is healthier. It's important to look at foods holistically and read ingredient labels carefully.

Side effects and health risks of beetroot

One of the most common side effects of beets—especially juices and supplements—is that they can turn your urine pink or red. This is just an aftereffect of the pigments in beets and is nothing to worry about. While potassium is an essential mineral for maintaining blood pressure and helping prevent heart disease it can be a problem if you have kidney disease—your doctor may It is recommended that you avoid beets due to their high potassium content. This is because damaged kidneys cannot absorb potassium properly, and overall levels of this nutrient may be too high. Elevated potassium levels in kidney disease can lead to heart attacks.

Also, although beet allergy is rare, it does occur in some people. Symptoms of beet allergy may include stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and hives. Anaphylaxis has also been reported.

Frequently asked questions and answers about beetroot

Q: Can I eat beetroot due to my health condition?

A: Beetroot is a healthy and powerful plant. If you don't have any chronic health issues or allergies and sensitivities to the plant, you can safely consume beets in moderation. Despite their high sugar content, most people with diabetes can safely eat beets—just be sure to pair them with low-carbfoods, such as salad greens. If you have kidney disease, you may not eat beets because they are high in potassium.

Q: Will eating beetroot cause blood sugar to spike?

A: Beetroots contain natural sugars, but they generally do not cause the sugar spikes that people with diabetes need to be aware of. This is partly thanks to the fiber content, which helps your body digest beetroot more slowly.

Q: How much beetroot juice or supplements should I take for exercise?

A: While there are no official guidelines yet, the general recommendation is to drink up to 2 cups of beetroot juice a few hours before exercising to potentially improve your performance.

Q: Will eating beets increase my libido?

Answer: Unlikely. While beets have historically been considered an aphrodisiac, clinical studies do not support this claim.

Q: What’s healthier: beetroot, beetroot supplements, or beetroot juice?

A: While all foods provide nutritional benefits, it’s best to eat whole foods whenever possible—beets are no exception. You can drink juice or take supplements while running, but be sure to include beetroot and leaves in some meals.

Question: Can beetroot be eaten?

A: Yes, you can eat raw beets. However, they need to be peeled and sliced first. Raw beets can be eaten plain or with seasonings. Or, you can add raw beets to salads for a sweet crunch. Beets can even be spiralized!

Question: Does beetroot have a detoxifying effect on the body?

A: Beets are a good source of antioxidants and nutrients that can help you stay healthy when eaten in moderation along with a balanced diet rich in other vegetables. But there's no evidence that beets can detoxify your body in any way. The best way to detox your body from harmful substances is to abstain from these substances and behaviors—including excessive alcohol and processed foods.

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