
Brown rice flour is 100% stone ground from the highest quality whole grain brown rice and has a mild nutty flavor. Use this versatile gluten-free flour as a bread crumb, for thickening sauces and gravies, and for gluten-free baking recipes like brown rice flour pancakes, muffins, and gluten-free bread.

Name Quantity Unit Data proof derivation method Derivation process
Energy 350 Kcal Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Protein 7.5 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Total lipids (fat) 2.5 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Carbohydrates, difference 77.5 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Fiber, total diet 5 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Sugar, total including NLEA 0 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Calcium, calcium 0 mg Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving
Iron, iron 1.8 mg Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving
Sodium, sodium 12 mg Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0 mg Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving
Vitamin A, International Unit 0 International units Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving
Fatty acids, total saturated 0 G Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving
Fatty acids, total trans 0 G Unknown Calculated from value per serving
Cholesterol 0 mg Unknown Calculated based on % Daily Value per serving

Nutritional composition of brown rice flour

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides nutritional information for 40 grams (just under 3 tablespoons) of Bob's Red Mill Brown Rice Flour.


One serving of brown rice flour contains about 31 grams of whole-grain carbohydrates, thus providing complex carbohydrates.


Brown rice flour contains only trace amounts of fat, about 1 gram per serving.


Brown rice flour contains approximately 3 grams of plant-based protein per serving.

Vitamins and Minerals

Brown rice flour contains high amounts of magnesium, selenium, vitamin B6, and phosphorus, not to mention healthy doses of phytochemicals, plant sterols, and phenolic acids (which protect cells from oxidative damage), among others, that are good for our health. 1


One serving of brown rice flour provides 140 calories.

Health benefits

Brown rice flour is derived from brown rice and has many benefits. Here's a detailed look at some of the potential health benefits of consuming brown rice and brown rice flour.

Can reduce the risk of certain diseases

Brown rice contains various forms of phenolic acids, which may reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and in some cases, even cancer. There are also studies showing that specific phenolic acids in brown rice have chemopreventive properties for breast and colon cancer. 1

Brown rice flour does not contain unhealthy fats (such as trans fats), which can raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol. In contrast, whole grain ingredients help control blood sugar levels and improve high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ("good" cholesterol).

Can reduce the risk of heart disease

Whole grains have long been linked to heart health due to their ability to lower cholesterol. A systematic review covering 45 studies on the types of grains consumed and the risk of cardiovascular disease (as well as other health conditions) concluded that whole grains may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease, as well as cancer and premature death. risk. 4

Can promote healthy digestion

High-fiber foods, such as brown (whole grains), improve the transport of food through the digestive tract, thereby regulating the intestines. Dietary fiber has also been linked to overall metabolic health and intestinal motility, among other positive health benefits. 5

May help maintain weight

Foods with high fiber content slow down digestion, providing the body with sustained energy and more stable blood sugar levels. An analysis of 12 observational studies (more than 136,000 participants) and 9 randomized controlled trials (973 participants) found that the risk of weight gain was lower when the diet was higher in whole grains. 6

Gluten-free alternatives available

Gluten-free foods have become increasingly popular in the United States over the past decade. Some of these reasons include improving symptoms in those suffering from gastrointestinal issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome. 7 Therefore, brown rice flour is a safe choice for people with wheat allergies, celiac disease, or gluten allergies.


Although fairly rare, some people can react to rice. Reported symptoms include runny nose, itching and stomach pain. If you experience any of these conditions, discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider. Sometimes an allergy specialist can perform tests to determine if you have a true food allergy.

To better understand potential allergy caused by brown rice, various attributes were localized in the analysis. One of three specific globulin polypeptides (52-kDa globulin) was identified as the most likely causative allergen in rice bran. 8

Adverse effects

A well-known issue when consuming rice is the presence of arsenic, a naturally occurring element in the environment and therefore present in most foods and drinks. However, this is not to say that consuming brown rice as part of a balanced diet will cause any harm to the body. Conversely, you need to keep this in mind if you plan on consuming large amounts or consuming it during pregnancy.

Based on data collected from more than 1,300 samples, rice was found to contain inorganic arsenic, and given that rice contains higher arsenic levels than other grains, high consumption may be associated with increased arsenic exposure. 9

To reduce arsenic levels in brown rice, you may consider preparing the brown rice yourself by cooking it in more water and then draining it. You can also regularly incorporate a variety of other grains into your diet, such as buckwheat or whole-wheat pasta.


In addition to regular brown rice flour, there are other varieties to choose from. These include sprouted, stone ground, organic and ultrafine. Here’s a detailed look at each one.

  • Sprouted: Sprouted brown rice produces a sweeter flavor when cooked, is generally higher in protein, and has greater bioavailability of certain nutrients.
  • Stoneground: Flour contains germ and bran, which maintain nutritional properties.
  • Organic: Milled from pesticide-free grains, organic options help retain more nutrients.
  • Superfine: Ground finer than other flours.

Storage and food safety

Brown rice flour can be stored in an airtight package or container in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling and will keep for 4 to 5 months. It can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year. Generally speaking, brown rice flour can be stored in a cool, dry cupboard (as long as it's well sealed) and will last for several months.

How to prepare

While brown rice flour is readily available in many supermarkets and health food stores, you can also prepare it at home. Your best bet is to use a grain or flour mill, as rice can wear down the blades of a blender or food processor over time. However, they are often a suitable substitute.

Be sure to rinse the rice thoroughly with water before processing. Place the desired amount of brown rice into the device of your choice and process or spin at high speed until a powder forms.


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