
Nutritional information

Goji berries are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including:
  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Antioxidants

These berries contain all eight essential amino acids. A 1-ounce serving provides you with a trusted source of nearly 10% of your daily value of protein. For a fruit, this is a surprising amount of protein. Because of the higher fiber content or complex carbohydrate content in goji berries, blood sugar rises more slowly, reducing the risk of a sugar crash afterwards.

Before you add goji berries to your diet

Always consult your doctor before starting to consume goji berries. Some companies may say they have fewer side effects than medications. But goji berries can interact with any medications you are currently taking.

Avoid adding goji berries to your diet if you:
  • Being on certain medications, such as blood thinners, diabetes medications, and blood pressure medications
  • You are allergic to fruits
  • There is not enough evidence to say whether goji berries are safe for pregnant women to eat. There is concern that they may cause uterine contractions. If you are pregnant, err on the side of caution and avoid goji berries. It's best to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about consuming goji berries if you're pregnant.

A quarter of a wolfberry berry can also meet 340% of your vitamin A intake. You may want to limit the amount of food you eat to reduce the risk of vitamin A toxicity.

Health benefits of wolfberry

A strengthened immune system and flu protection can go hand in hand. The vitamins in goji berries may be able to increase and support both. Early laboratory tests have found that goji berries help improve the efficiency of influenza vaccination in aging mice. This is important because the flu vaccine does not always provide adequate protection against the virus. This study shows that goji berries may prevent subsequent infections in older adults who received the flu vaccine. But remember, goji berries are not a substitute for preventing the flu. Make sure you and your family get your flu shot every year.

Why are goji berries good for your health?

Potential weight loss aid

Goji berries break healthy energy into small portions. Their rich, sweet flavor and high fiber content can help you maintain a healthy diet. Turn to them for snacks to prevent overindulgence at mealtimes. Add them to yogurt or salad in the same way as raisins. Their nutritional value as a low-calorie, low-sugar food makes them an ideal substitute for other dried fruits that have a higher sugar content. There are approximately 100 calories in 1 ounce of goji berries.

Antioxidants for eyes and skin

Research shows that wolfberries are high in antioxidants, especially zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin gives goji berries, saffron, and bell peppers their vibrant color. Antioxidants prevent cells from breaking down when exposed to elements such as smoke and radiation. What's more, foods with healthy levels of antioxidants are typically high in fiber and low in unhealthy fats. The same study also found that older adults who supplemented their diet with wolfberry fruit for 90 days had less pigmentation and fewer drusen or yellow deposits in their eyes.

Maintain blood sugar

If you have a special sweet tooth, sweet goji berries may be your favorite. Goji berries can help:
  • May lower blood sugar
  • Improve glucose tolerance
  • Reduce insulin resistance
  • Improve and restore cells that help produce insulin
  • Consult your doctor before starting to add goji berries to your diet, especially if you use medications to control blood sugar. If you do start eating them regularly, you may need to check your blood sugar more frequently.

Elevated testosterone

Wolfberry has a long history of sexual reproduction. One study showed that wolfberry significantly improved the health of mice:
  • Increase sperm count and motility
  • Shorter erection, capture and ejaculation responses
  • Improve sexual performance
  • Improved recovery of testosterone levels
  • Research suggests that goji berries can replace erectile dysfunction prescriptions such as Viagra.

Is wolfberry a superfood?

Some brands may market goji berries as a superfood. One study compared the results of participants who consumed goji berry juice daily for 14 days with those who did not. People who drink goji berry juice report an increase in:
  • Vitality
  • Sports Performance
  • Sleep quality
  • Focus ability
  • Calm
  • Overall well-being
The same group also reported significantly improved results in fatigue, stress, and digestive issues. But the results were also self-reported. They did not consider other conditions.

Some health claims also state that goji berries can:
  • Increase life expectancy
  • Reduce heart risk
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reducing arthritis pain

An older study also claims that goji berries can treat cancer. Goji berries contain a chemical component called beta-sitosterol. This may help reduce the size of overgrown cells and may lead to tumor cell apoptosis or "cell suicide." But these studies were poorly designed and had inconclusive and insignificant results. More research is needed to confirm the health benefits of goji berries.

Why are goji berries good for your health?

How to use wolfberry

Most supermarkets sell dried wolfberry fruits both prepackaged and in bulk. You can find them too. Treat them like raisins or fresh berries. Mix them into breakfast cereal or yogurt, add them to your trail mix, or drink them as juice or tea. You can also cook goji berries with lean pork or turkey to add a salty flavor to hearty dishes. Plus, their vitamin C content will help your body absorb the iron in the meat. It is generally recommended to eat two or more servings of fruit per day for optimal health benefits.

Even if they are expensive, be sure to buy goji berries from a reputable source. Cheaper or imported brands contain sulfites. Sulfites may cause allergic reactions in some people. Goji berries are generally considered safe for most people. Some people report mild digestive problems when first eating. This may be a common side effect. If you have any chronic digestive or gastrointestinal problems, talk to your doctor before using goji berries as a treatment.

Alternative diet

Goji berries are more expensive than other berries. If you're looking for other foods with similar nutritional value, try:

  • Berries like strawberries and blueberries
  • Bell peppers, tropical fruits and dark leafy greens
  • Wheatgrass boosts metabolism
  • Pomegranate Juice
  • Oily fish
  • Green tea

Goji berries are good for you

If you are looking for a new nutritious food to supplement your diet, goji berries may be a good source. Packed with vitamins and minerals and high in protein, they can help improve your overall health. Plus, they can provide a welcome change from other fruits or berries you regularly eat. Research shows that goji berries can help you feel better and improve your health. Their health benefits appear to be particularly helpful for older adults. However, claims about its ability to reduce arthritis pain and its anti-cancer effects require more clinical evidence. Goji berries are more expensive than other fruits. More affordable options with equivalent health benefits include wheatgrass and green tea. Always talk to your doctor before trying a supplement, especially if you are already taking medications to control a disease. For example, if you take diabetes medications, goji berries may further lower your blood sugar.


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