
These easy grilled bone-in split chicken breasts make a delicious everyday meal. Bone-in chicken is cheaper and tastier than boneless chicken, and the skin helps retain moisture. Chicken breasts grilled to perfection and coated with garlic, herbs and a drizzle of olive oil.

With minimal prep work and only 35 to 45 minutes of cooking time, this oven-roasted chicken is perfect any night of the week. Chicken also makes a great Sunday dinner. Or, bake the chicken and add it to salads, or use it in casseroles, soups or sandwiches.

Feel free to change the ingredients to suit your family's tastes. For butter and garlic chicken breasts, use melted butter instead of olive oil and omit the oregano and cayenne pepper. Or use about a tablespoon of fresh chopped oregano instead of dried oregano. There are several herbs that can be used as a supplement to chicken. Use your favorite flavors.

The minimum safe temperature for chicken is 165 degrees Fahrenheit (73.9 degrees Celsius). For best flavor, aim for about 170 F (76.7 C) for chicken breasts and 180 F (82.2 C) for dark meats such as thighs, wings, and legs.

Preparation: 20 minutes Cooking time: 35 minutes Full: 55 minutes Serves: 4


  • 4 bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Production steps:

  1. Heat oven to 450 F (230 C/Gas 8).
  2. Spray a rimmed baking sheet or jelly roll pan with nonstick cooking oil spray, or lightly grease the pan with oil.
  3. Use paper towels to absorb any excess moisture from the chicken breasts.
  4. Combine olive oil, oregano, minced garlic, salt, cayenne pepper, and black pepper. Stir into a paste.
  5. Place the chicken pieces in the prepared baking dish, skin side up, and spread a little of the mixture under the skin and the rest over the skin.
  6. Roast the chickens for 35 minutes, or until they are at least 165 degrees F (73.9 degrees C) in the thickest part of the meat, not touching the bone.
  7. Serve these delicious chicken breasts with potatoes, grilled, grilled or mashed. They're great with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, greens, or any of your family's favorite vegetable side dishes.
  8. enjoy your meal!


  • A reliable food thermometer is an essential tool in any kitchen. A food thermometer prevents undercooking and overcooking. Using a food thermometer designed for meat or poultry, insert it into the thickest part of a piece of chicken, but not touching the bone or thigh. If the chicken pieces are irregular in size, check several pieces to make sure all are at a safe temperature.
  • If you prefer, you can swap the breasts for juicy chicken thighs or whole legs. Chicken thighs contain more fat, so they tend to be wetter—and they'll be more forgiving if overcooked.

Recipe variations:

  • Replace the oregano with fresh chopped chives, dried thyme, sage or basil. Or use an Italian herb blend.
  • Use melted butter instead of olive oil.

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