素.喜.館 Su Xi Cafe Share 香港銅鑼灣登龍街52號景隆商業大廈9 樓, 9/F Jing Long Commercial Building, 52 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Fusion Healthy Vegetarian Café in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong *本店部分食品有用蔥蒜、蛋、奶和芝士烹調 *全素的朋友們,請於訂座時通知本店,可另作安排 *晚市套餐,敬請一日前預訂 2602 8268 suxicafe@gmail.com Tags: Share Next article Subscribe Us If you want to get the first dibs on our latest promos & healthy info, please subscribe us! Your email Subscription100% free, Unsubscribe any time! 閱讀更多 Black Garlic: Nutrition, Benefits and Products bergamot mint essential oil What is Chaga? Uses, Benefits and Side Effects What is berberine? Efficacy, safety and side effects Capsaicin: Everything you need to know