E-Pai teppan yakitori 一杯.鐵板燒居酒屋
E-Pai teppan yakitori 一杯.鐵板燒居酒屋
由日籍顧問玉置良三先生(Ryozo Tamaki)親自主理,以「關西燒」為主打的鐵板燒居酒屋。集聲、色、藝於一身的「一杯」,每日由師傅嚴選新鮮食材如豚肉、大蝦、和牛等,全力打造深受大阪女性歡迎的「關西燒」,盡顯手藝功架,最後蘸上特製調味及醬汁,頃刻香氣滿溢,令人食指大動!配合店內傳統大阪街景的裝潢,將地道之大阪風味活現眼前!
Managed by Ryozo Tamaki, E-Pai makes the most popular and tasty okonomiyaki (Japanese Pizza) on the hotplates, and offer an authentic menu of genuine Japanese fare. Featuring a warm and welcoming ambience of Osaka, E-pai must becomes the hottest dining spot in town!