
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to treating people's mental and physical health problems. It has evolved over thousands of years, and its core practices have changed little since then.

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory that disease results from an imbalance in a person's life force energy, called "qi." The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to restore harmony within the individual and balance the forces of yin and yang (the components of Qi).

Eastern Medicine vs. Western Medicine

The difference between Eastern and Western medicine is:

  • Diagnostic Rationale: Eastern medicine looks at the physical and energetic health of the whole person and their environment, not just isolated symptoms of structural or organ-related problems.
  • How to Treat: Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment focuses on balancing Qi, while Western Medicine focuses on alleviating or curing the specific symptoms of a disease.
  • Methods of discovery: Oriental medicine uses a range of methods, including observation, trial and error, and clinical research. Western medicine focuses on using scientific methods to test specific ideas to see if they work.

early history

The earliest works on traditional Chinese medicine can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, which has a history of more than 3,000 years. These words, carved on tortoise shells and bones, describe the concept of Qi, the cyclic movement in the body. It also describes blood. These texts describe how excess, deficiency, or stagnation of Qi and/or blood movement can lead to imbalance and poor health.

What is anger?

It represents the concept of "life force" that exists both inside and outside the body. Chi is described as the force that combines and binds everything in the universe together.

Qi is composed of two branches and can affect health. One branch is about what we take into our bodies (breath) and the other branch is about what flows through our bodies (blood). Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners also believe that blood is an energetic concept.

These two branches can be thought of as complementary opposites or yin and yang. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, an imbalance between our inner state and the outer world can lead to disease.

Balance Yin and Yang

Balancing yin and yang is the goal of any TCM treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that balance is achieved through harmony between internal organs and external elements such as earth, fire, water, wood, and metal.

Treatment Technique Checklist

The following tips are all designed to help people regain balance and promote yin and yang harmony:


Acupuncture is when a therapist stimulates specific points on the body by inserting thin needles into the skin. Although research results vary, it is one of the most effective methods in traditional Chinese medicine.

A review of clinical studies shows that acupuncture helps the body release natural painkillers and may be effective in helping reduce symptoms in people with chronic (ongoing) pain.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle and slow exercise that involves body movement and focused breathing. It has been described as "meditation in motion" and "drugs in motion."

Although it was originally a form of martial arts, it has been incorporated into traditional Chinese medicine techniques as a means of encouraging the normal flow of qi and promoting the balance of yin and yang.


In cupping, the therapist uses warm glass jars to create suction to the skin in certain areas of the body.

Cupping pulls your skin into the cup, breaking up the tiny blood vessels under the skin and creating this environment that allows blood to flow to the area and stimulates the wound healing process. More research is needed to confirm exactly how it works and how effective it is at helping treat chronic pain, high blood pressure, and other conditions.

herbal medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine uses herbs to treat the entire person and their symptoms. Herbs are available in traditional or custom formulations in capsule form, tea or extract, and powder form. Herbal remedies differ from the drugs used in Western medicine, which target specific disease symptoms. Many herbs may help treat syndromes that are difficult to diagnose or treat, including allergies, infertility, and menopause.

ensure safety

Traditional Chinese medicine may have a long history, but that doesn't mean that all methods are safe and risk-free, nor does it mean that all those who offer it are qualified to do so.

For example, while herbal remedies can be effective in treating certain illnesses, these therapies can also cause serious side effects and contraindications to medications and other health conditions. Due to the lack of standardized regulations and labeling practices, it can be difficult to know what herbs you are taking.


Traditional Chinese medicine techniques such as acupuncture, Tai Chi, cupping and herbal medicine have been used for thousands of years. Their goal is to help a person balance their vital life force (chi). Qi is composed of Yin and Yang elements. While some methods may be helpful, TCM is not without risks and should only be applied with the support of a qualified practitioner.


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