
Americans eat more potatoes than almost any other vegetable, and these potatoes are a good source of potassium and vitamin C.

Only about 10% of U.S. adults eat enough vegetables, but nutrition experts are divided over whether potatoes count toward vegetable intake because they are rich in carbohydrates that can cause blood sugar spikes.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Potato problem.

White potatoes, corn, peas and cassava all fall into the "starchy vegetables" category.
According to the guidelines, eating a variety of vegetables, including starchy vegetables, is a "core element" of a healthy eating pattern. These guidelines were used to develop the USDA's MyPlate, the modern version of the food pyramid, as well as federal nutrition programs that include potatoes as a vegetable in school lunches.

However, there is speculation that potatoes may be reclassified as a grain in the 2025 Dietary Guidelines update.

The National Potato Board, testifying before the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, said the decision would lead to "chaotic consequences." "Potatoes are classified together with other vegetables on the basis of botanical and horticultural properties. Therefore, the decision to erroneously reclassify them as cereals is technically inaccurate and not based on any scientific indicators".

Are potatoes a vegetable or a grain?

Registered dietitians say potatoes don't have the same nutritional profile as other vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and carrots, but they also don't exactly match the nutritional profile of grains.

Unlike green vegetables, potatoes contain starch, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Potatoes are nutritionally similar to whole grains such as oats and brown rice. A 100g serving of baked potato provides similar levels of protein, fiber and minerals to 100g of cooked brown rice. But the starches in whole grains digest more slowly, so your blood sugar won't rise as quickly.

Potatoes are highly nutritious and can be eaten in a variety of ways. They contain almost no fat and contain vitamins such as B6, C and potassium. They also contain dietary fiber, especially if you eat them from the skin.

Compared with nutrient-rich and high-fiber vegetables, potatoes are rich in carbohydrates that are quickly digested by the body, causing blood sugar and insulin to rise first and then fall .

While potatoes do provide dietary fiber, most of it is found in the skin, which is often peeled off before cooking.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also excludes potatoes from the vegetable category, and the UK's Eatwell guidelines classify potatoes as a starchy carbohydrate along with bread, rice and pasta.

The bottom line is, just because potatoes don't count as a vegetable on a healthy eating plate, it doesn't mean they can't be included in a healthy meal. Eating potatoes occasionally as part of an overall healthy diet—preferably with the skin intact and with minimal added saturated fat—can add pleasure and satisfaction to your meals.


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