
Don’t throw away the extra potatoes! It is more practical and economical to freeze them for later use. Perfectly freezing potatoes is easier than you think, but you do need to follow a few simple instructions. Here's what you need to know about freezing potatoes, whether whole, diced, mashed, fried or shredded:

Can you freeze potato chips?

Yes! You can absolutely freeze potatoes, and if you have extra potatoes, you should. But there's one important thing to remember: You should really only freeze cooked or parboiled potatoes, because raw potatoes contain a lot of water. This water freezes and makes the potatoes mushy and grainy when thawed.

Can you freeze potato chips?

How long can potatoes be kept?

It depends on how they are stored. Uncooked potatoes usually keep for two weeks at room temperature (never store raw potatoes in the refrigerator - this will ruin the texture), and cooked potatoes will keep in the refrigerator for about four days. However, frozen cooked potatoes will keep for about a year.

How to Freeze Potatoes

The best way to freeze potatoes depends on the type of potatoes you're using. Here's how to freeze whole potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, and shredded potatoes:

Freezing whole or diced potatoes isn't difficult, but you do need to follow a series of simple steps.

  1. peel. This step isn't necessary, but it's helpful because blanching works best without the skin on. If you think you'll be able to mash the potatoes once they've thawed, now is a good time to cut them into cubes.
  2. Blanche. Fill the pot with water and season with salt. Place the pot over high heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, add the potatoes to the water. Blanching time depends on the size of the potato or potato pieces - blanching may take 3 minutes for small potatoes or cubes, or 10 minutes for a full russet. Remove the potatoes from the boiling water and immediately place them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.
  3. Dry. When completely cool, transfer potatoes to a colander to drain. Once drained, place them in a single layer on a kitchen towel. Pat with paper towels to absorb excess moisture.
  4. Flash frozen. Place potatoes in a single layer on lined baking sheet. Freeze for at least four hours or up to overnight.
  5. freeze. When the potatoes are frozen, you can transfer them to date-labeled freezer-safe storage bags.

French fries or potato wedges

If your French fries are undercooked, you'll need to scald them before freezing (see instructions in the previous section). However, if they are cooked, the process is a little easier.

  1. Freeze first. Place the cooked (and cooled!) fries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze for at least four hours or up to overnight.
  2. Second freeze. Once the fries are frozen, you can transfer them to date-labeled freezer-safe storage bags.

Hash browns

Here's another thing, it depends on the state of the potatoes - are they cooked or raw? If the potatoes are undercooked, use the large side of a cheese grater to shred them before blanching (you only need to blanch them for a minute or two since they are already chopped). Cooked fries are frozen just like French fries.

  1. Freeze first. Place the cooked (and cooled!) hash browns on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze for at least four hours or up to overnight.
  2. Second freeze. When the hash browns are frozen, you can transfer them to date-labeled freezer-safe storage bags.

Can you freeze potato chips?


Mashed potatoes freeze more easily than other types of potatoes because the fat in butter and cream helps maintain their texture. If you plan on freezing your soon-to-be-mashed potatoes, now is not the time to skimp on the good stuff.

  1. Cool. Make sure the mashed potatoes are completely cool before starting the freezing process.
  2. scoop. Spoon a small cup onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  3. Freeze first. Freeze for at least four hours or up to overnight.
  4. Second freeze. When the potatoes are frozen, you can transfer them to date-labeled freezer-safe storage bags.

Mashed potatoes freeze more easily than other types of potatoes


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