
Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber (meaning it dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract) from the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeast, and some plants. Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides found in the cell walls of certain grains, such as oats and barley, and also in fungi, particularly mushrooms such as shiitake and maitake mushrooms . The cell wall of baker's yeast is the richest source of beta-glucan. Derived from sources such as oats, barley and certain mushrooms, beta-glucan has a unique set of benefits that make it a valuable addition to a healthy diet.

Beta-glucan may prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol from food. They may also stimulate the immune system by increasing chemicals that prevent infection. The U.S. FDA allows products containing at least 750 milligrams of beta-glucan to have health claims claiming they can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Beta-glucan is most commonly used to treat heart disease and high cholesterol. They are also used for many other conditions, such as eczema and diabetes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most other uses.

Purpose and efficacy

heart disease

Consuming at least 3.6 grams of beta-glucan or other soluble fiber per day as part of a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet may help prevent heart disease. Oat and barley products contain high amounts of beta-glucan. May be effective against heart disease.

high cholesterol

Taking beta-glucan made from oats or barley orally for a few weeks appears to lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. May be effective for high cholesterol .

digestive health

As a soluble fiber, beta-glucan promotes digestive health by supporting regular bowel movements and maintaining a healthy intestinal environment.

Health benefits for obesity and metabolic syndrome

Its beneficial effects in insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and obesity are continuously being documented. The fermentability of beta-glucan and its ability to form highly viscous solutions in the human intestine may underlie its health benefits. Therefore, the application of β-glucan as a food ingredient is being widely considered to achieve the dual purpose of increasing the fiber content of food and enhancing its health properties.

Effects of beta-glucan on the immune system

Beta-glucan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide. These glucose polymers are components of the cell walls of some pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The healing and immune-stimulating properties of mushrooms have been known in Eastern countries for thousands of years. These mushrooms contain bioactive polysaccharides, mostly beta-glucans. These substances enhance host immune defense by activating the complement system and enhancing the function of macrophages and natural killer cells. The induction of cellular responses by mushrooms and other β-glucans may involve their specific interactions with multiple cell surface receptors, such as complement receptor 3 (CR3; CD11b/CD18), lactosylceramide, selected scavenger receptors, body and dectin-1 (betaGR).

Beta-glucan also has anti-cancer activity. They prevent tumorigenesis due to their protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens. As an immune stimulant, β-glucan acts by activating the cytotoxicity of macrophages and NK cells, and can also inhibit tumor growth during the promotion phase. Anti-angiogenesis may be one of the ways β-glucan can reduce tumor proliferation and prevent tumor metastasis. As an adjuvant for cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy, β-glucan has a positive effect on the recovery of hematopoietic function after bone marrow damage. Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a new cancer treatment strategy. These antibodies activate the complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragments. Compared with microorganisms, tumor cells as well as other host cells lack β-glucan as a surface component and are unable to trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cytotoxicity and initiate tumor killing activity. This mechanism can be induced in the presence of β-glucan.

dietary sources

  • Oats and Barley: Oats and barley are rich sources of beta-glucan, and including these whole grains in your diet can provide a substantial daily intake.
  • Mushrooms: Certain mushrooms, including shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms, contain beta-glucans, providing a plant-based source for people who may avoid grains.


  • Whole foods: Choosing whole foods like oats, barley, and mushrooms are a great way to naturally incorporate beta-glucan into your diet.
  • Supplements: Beta-glucan supplements are also suitable for those who wish to increase their intake, especially if dietary sources are limited.

Supplements: Beta-glucan supplements are also suitable for those who wish to increase their intake, especially if dietary sources are limited.

Special Precautions and Warnings

  • When taken orally: Beta-glucan is usually taken in food. Taking large amounts of beta-glucan as medicine is probably safe for up to 8-12 weeks. There have been no reports of side effects from oral administration of beta-glucan.
  • When applied to skin: Beta-glucan is probably safe for short-term use. They may cause a rash in some people. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is not enough reliable information to know whether beta-glucan is safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. Stay safe and avoid using.

drug interactions

Drugs that lower the immune system (immunosuppressants) interact with beta-glucan

Beta-glucan enhances immune system activity. Some medications, such as those used after a transplant, can reduce the activity of the immune system. Taking beta-glucan with these drugs may reduce how well these drugs work.

Hypertension medications (antihypertensive drugs) interact with beta-glucan

Beta-glucan may lower blood pressure. Taking beta-glucan with blood pressure-lowering medications may cause blood pressure to become too low. Monitor your blood pressure closely.


Adults most commonly use oat or barley beta-glucan, 2-6 g orally daily for 3-12 weeks. Beta-glucan from yeast is usually taken orally at 250-500 mg daily for 4-12 weeks. Beta-glucan can also be applied to the skin in the form of a cream or other solution. Talk to your healthcare provider to find out which dose or product is best for your specific condition.


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