  • CAS number: 1318-00-9
  • EC number: 603-518-0
  • DSSTox ID: DTXSID7047489

Flake vermiculite concentrate has a mica-like appearance and contains interlayer water in its structure. When the flakes are heated rapidly at temperatures above 870°C, the water flashes into steam and the flakes expand into accordion-shaped particles. This process is called exfoliation or swelling, and the resulting lightweight material is chemically inert, fire-resistant and odorless. Vermiculite has good thermal insulating properties in lightweight plaster and concrete.

Vermiculite absorbs liquids such as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and can then be transported as a free-flowing solid .

Food Additive Verxite

It can be safely used in animal feed under the following conditions:

(a) The additive is a magnesium aluminum iron silicate that meets one of the following conditions:

(1)(i) Verxite Pellets: This additive contains at least 98% water biotite; it expands when heated to a bulk density of 5 to 9 pounds per cubic foot.

(ii) It is used or intended to be used:

(a) In poultry feed at a level not exceeding 5% by weight of the finished feed as a non-nutritional filler used to limit caloric intake in alternative feed for pullets.

(b) As an anti-caking agent or mixer, granulation aid or non-nutritional carrier for the incorporation of nutrients into poultry, swine, dog or ruminant feed, in amounts not exceeding those necessary to achieve their intended effect. amount and in no case shall exceed 1.5% of the dog feed or 5% of the final feed for other animals.

(2)(i) Verxite Tablets: The additive contains at least 98 percent water biotite; it has a bulk density of 20 to 30 pounds per cubic foot.

(ii) Used or intended to be used as an anti-caking agent or mixture in ruminant feed, the amount used shall not exceed that required to achieve its intended effect and in no event shall exceed 1% by weight of the final feed for ruminants.

(3)(i) Verxite Sand: The additive contains at least 80 percent hydromica; it has a bulk density of 40 to 50 pounds per cubic foot.

(ii) It is used or intended to be used as a partial roughage substitute in ruminant feeds in an amount not exceeding that required to achieve its intended effect and in no case exceeding 1% of the final feed weight.

(b) In order to ensure the safe use of additives, the label of any feed additive supplement, feed additive concentrate, feed additive premix or complete feed prepared therefrom shall indicate, in addition to other information required by this Act, the manufacturer's name. The additive (Verxite granules, Verxite flakes or Verxite coarse), appropriate instructions for use and, when the additive content exceeds 1%, a description of the amount of additive contained and the term "non-nutritive" alongside it.


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