
As cold and flu season rages on, oregano oil is being touted as a natural way to stay healthy. Celebrities promote it as an immune system booster. Oregano oil is sold in drug stores and even Costco, and is often promoted as "therapeutic grade." But does oregano oil really work?

What is oregano oil?

Oregano (origanum vulgare) is a plant with olive-green leaves and purple flowers. The oil it contains is called oregano oil. Oregano oil, also known as oregano extract or oregano oil, is made from the oregano plant in the mint family. Oregano oil is a more concentrated form of the plant's bioactive compounds, which is extracted and sold as an over-the-counter supplement in pill, capsule, or liquid form. You may see oregano oil supplements referred to as:

  • oregano oil
  • oregano leaves
  • oregano extract

As an herbal supplement, oregano oil is known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It contains several potential therapeutic compounds, such as:

  • carvacrol
  • Thymol
  • Terpinene

People have traditionally used oregano oil to maintain respiratory health. It has also become a popular alternative treatment for cold and flu symptoms.

Oregano oil is used to treat cold and flu symptoms, but can be consumed in different forms depending on your preference. It can be purchased as an herbal supplement, tincture, or essential oil.

You can find it in tincture or soft gel capsules at most health food stores. You can also purchase aromatic, volatile essential oils in highly concentrated form for topical use and aromatherapy.

What does the research show?

There have been several recent studies looking at the health benefits of oregano herbal oil, and most of the findings are promising.

Antioxidant function

One study found that oregano essential oil, especially from the leaves of the oregano plant, has strong antioxidant properties. The researchers noted that oregano oil has been traditionally used to treat fever and respiratory symptoms, both of which are associated with influenza.

Suppress viruses

Studies have found that oregano essential oil can inhibit human and animal viruses in vitro. The researchers noted that this effect may be due to carvacrol, one of the main compounds in oregano oil. While carvacrol itself is more effective against certain viruses, oregano oil is more effective against respiratory viruses.

One study of patients with upper respiratory tract infections used a throat spray containing oregano oil and diluted essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint, and rosemary. People who used the spray experienced less sore throats, hoarseness and coughs. Three days after treatment, however, there were no significant differences in symptoms between the two groups. The researchers noted that this may be due to the natural improvement of symptoms in both groups during these three days.

One study found that oregano oil had analgesic properties and reduced pain in rats. This suggests that oregano oil may help relieve more painful flu symptoms, such as body aches or sore throats, but larger human studies are needed.

Although laboratory studies have found that oregano oil can prevent the reproduction of certain viruses, such as HIV, oregano oil may not fight colds and flu . Scientists also stress that the content of active ingredients may vary depending on the type of plant from which oregano oil is extracted. Therefore, there may be differences in their effectiveness.

Key ingredient carvacrol

Most claims about oregano oil are based on research into its key ingredient, carvacrol. Most research is done in the laboratory. Although carvacrol has been found to kill bacteria and viruses, and even cancer cells. But so do many other substances. Salt also kills bacteria in a petri dish, but that doesn't mean eating chips is an effective way to treat a cold.

Oregano oil can kill some bacteria or viruses in a petri dish, but it's not known how much oregano oil is absorbed into the bloodstream after ingestion, or how much oregano oil is needed to see benefits. Therefore, it is not possible to recommend specific strengths, brands, or dosages.

Safety and side effects

Oregano oil is generally safe to use and generally well tolerated , but some side effects may occur.

Avoid using it if you are allergic to peppermint, sage, basil or lavender. If you are allergic to any of these, you may also be allergic to oregano.

Do not use oregano oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Do not take oregano oil if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking any medications that alter blood clotting.

Oregano oil contains thymol, one of the phenols it contains. In high doses, thymol is a mild irritant and may affect the skin or internal organs. It may cause:

  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • upset stomach
  • Central overactivity

Thymol may also irritate or corrode skin and eyes. Oregano oil should never be applied to broken skin or on or near the eyes.

How do I use it?

There are many ways to use oregano oil.

If you are using the pure essential oil form, remember to never ingest the essential oil. Instead, follow these steps:

Add a few drops to a steam diffuser or a bowl of hot water. Add about five drops to a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and apply to the skin. Learn more about how to use essential oils to treat the flu.

You can also purchase oregano oil tincture, which is a blend of extract and essential oils formulated to be taken orally. Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle.

Alternatively, you can purchase oregano herbal oil in capsule form. Read the dosage instructions on the bottle carefully.

No matter why you are taking oregano oil, be sure to take at least one week off every 3 weeks of use.

Oregano oil is a powerful substance, so it's best to start with the smallest dose possible to see how your body reacts. Once you see your body's reaction, you can slowly increase the amount you take.

Just make sure you don't take more than the recommended amount listed on the package. Also keep in mind that recommended dosages may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.


Oregano oil has a variety of health benefits that are supported by research, but larger studies are needed to fully understand how it works.

If you find yourself coming down with a cold or flu, try herbal oil of oregano to relieve symptoms. Just make sure not to exceed the recommended dose.


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