金盞花: 用途,好處和功效

Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis, pot marigold, common marigold, ruddles, Mary's gold or Scotch marigold), also known as calendula, is a common herbal plant with a variety of uses and benefits. Here are more details about marigolds:


Marigold is a perennial plant commonly found in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Its flowers are orange or yellow, have a radiating shape, and usually bloom in summer.

Marigolds belong to the Asteraceae family. Native to southern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, it has been widely cultivated and can be found in cool, temperate climates. The plant has a history of culinary and medicinal uses, and its branched stems are up to 2 feet long and covered with fine hairs. The leaves are simple, alternate, sticky and fragrant. The vibrant daisy-like flowers, ranging in color from orange to yellow, bloom until the first heavy frost and are suitable for cutting.


Marigolds develop into nail-shaped achenes after being pollinated by bees. The seeds form a gray or light brown round corolla. Marigolds grow easily in well-drained soil in full sun. Sow seeds directly in the garden before the last frost, or sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks in advance for earlier blooming. Continuous sowing results in continuous flowering. Use fresh seeds as viability decreases during storage. Germination takes 5-15 days. Pinch the vegetative buds to promote a bushier plant. Marigolds like moderate watering and light fertilization. Prune regularly to encourage more blooms. It can be grown in flower beds, parterres, cut flower gardens, containers and cottage gardens.


Calendula petals are used in many forms to treat burns, bruises, cuts, and minor infections. It may also prevent skin inflammation in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.

food use

Marigold leaves and petals are edible. The leaves are often bitter and are often added to leafy salads. The fresh petals are used as garnish, seasoning or as a traditional yellow cheese coloring.

Skin care

The petals of calendula are used in herbal medicine to treat various skin problems such as scrapes, burns, skin inflammation, and eczema.

Skin care and cosmetics

Its extracts are added to skin care and cosmetics for its anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing benefits.

oral supplements

Calendula is also taken as an oral supplement for its antioxidant and immune-supporting benefits.

Benefits and efficacy

  1. Skin Care: Calendula has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help treat and soothe a variety of skin problems and promote wound healing.
  2. Antioxidant: It is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage.
  3. Immune Support: Calendula extract is thought to help strengthen the immune system and improve the body's resistance.


Calendula is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and carotenoids.

side effect

  1. Allergic Reactions: People who are allergic to calendula flowers or its extracts may experience redness, itching, or other allergic reactions on the skin.
  2. Interactions: Calendula should be used with caution if you are taking certain medications, as it may interact adversely with some medications.


There are many varieties of marigolds:

  • The "Bon Bon" series is a mix of 2½-3 inch flowers in apricot, yellow and orange. The evenly compact plant grows to 12 inches wide and tall.
  • 'Citrus Cocktail' has orange and yellow flowers on a short, compact plant.
  • 'Dwarf Gem' has double apricot, yellow and orange flowers.
  • The "Flashback" series comes in a variety of soft and bright colors, with the underside color of the petals being a soft burgundy. A high proportion of double and semi-double flowers are grown on long, thick stems, making it an ideal cut flower.
  • The flowers of "Golden Princess" have black centers.
  • 'Greenheart Orange' has orange petals and green centers.
  • 'Indian Prince' produces 2- to 3-inch flowers on 14- to 24-inch plants. The deep yellow-orange petals have dark red to mahogany edges, red undersides, and black centers.
  • The flowers of the "Kablouna" series have short tongue-like flowers and a distinct pinnate center. Flowers come in white, yellow, orange and apricot colors, and the plant can grow up to 20 inches tall.
  • "Neon" has brightly colored double flowers.
  • 'Orange Porcupine' has double, 2.5 to 3.5-inch bright orange feathery flowers on 24-inch plants.
  • "Orange Salad" has orange flowers that can be used as a substitute for saffron.
  • "Pacific Beauty" is a tall-stemmed series (to 18 inches) with blooms in yellow, orange and apricot.
  • 'Pink Surprise' has light orange to apricot flowers, tinged with pink, with dark apricot centers. Plants grow 20-24 inches tall.
  • "Radio" is an old variety, introduced in 1931, and is less sticky and less aromatic than wild varieties. It bears semi-double orange flowers with feathery petals on thick stems (similar to cactus-type dahlia flowers). Ray flowers have distinct pink edges.
  • The flowers of Sherbet are light yellow in color, with closely spaced petals and red and crimson undersides.
  • "A Touch of Red" adds a reddish hue to the yellow, orange and cream flowers, with the underside of each petal a deep mahogany red. The 14-inch-tall plant produces 2-inch flowers that become slightly smaller during bloom but are still perfect for cut flowers.


Calendula is a versatile herbal plant widely used in skin care, health maintenance, and oral supplements. Although it is generally considered safe, people who are allergic to calendula flowers or extracts should seek medical advice before use.


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