
What are the benefits of aloe vera?

It contains healthy plant compounds

Aloe vera may help treat skin damage.
Aloe vera is widely used by the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries, and the plant's annual global market value is estimated at $13 billion.

Aloe vera is known for its thick, pointed, fleshy green leaves that can reach around 12-19 inches (30-50 cm) in length.

Each leaf contains mucilage tissue that stores water, which makes the leaves thicker. This water-filled tissue is the "gel" that people associate with aloe vera products.

The gel contains most of the beneficial bioactive compounds found in plants, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

Has antioxidant and antibacterial effects

Antioxidants are important for health. Aloe vera gel contains a trusted source of powerful antioxidants, a group of polyphenols.

These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in aloe vera, help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans.

Aloe vera is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. This is part of why it can help heal wounds and treat skin problems.

Accelerate wound healing

People most commonly use aloe vera as a topical remedy, rubbing it on the skin rather than eating it. In fact, it has a long history of use to treat sores and especially burns, including sunburn.

Aloe vera preparations were described as skin protectants in the United States Pharmacopeia as early as 1810-1820.

Research shows it is an effective topical treatment for first- and second-degree burns.

For example, one review experimental study found that aloe vera shortened the healing time of burns by about 9 days compared with traditional medications. It also helps prevent redness, itching and infection.

The evidence that aloe vera helps heal other types of wounds is inconclusive, but this study is promising.

Reduce plaque

Tooth decay and gum disease are very common health problems. One of the best ways to prevent these conditions is to reduce the buildup of plaque, or bacterial biofilm, on your teeth.

In a mouthwash study of 300 healthy people, researchers compared 100% pure aloe vera juice with the standard mouthwash ingredient chlorhexidine.

After 4 days of use, aloe vera mouthwash appeared to be as effective as chlorhexidine in reducing plaque.

Another study found that aloe vera mouthwash had similar benefits within 15 to 30 days.

Aloe vera can effectively kill Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans that cause plaque in the mouth.

Helps treat mouth ulcers

Many people experience canker sores, or canker sores, at some point in their lives. These usually form under the lips, inside the mouth, and last about a week.

Research shows that aloe vera treatment can speed the healing of mouth ulcers.

For example, in a seven-day study of 180 patients with recurrent mouth ulcers, applying an aloe vera patch to the area effectively reduced the size of the ulcer.

However, it was no better than the traditional ulcer treatment: corticosteroids.

In another study, aloe vera gel not only accelerated the healing of mouth ulcers but also reduced the pain associated with them.

Reduce constipation

Aloe vera can also help treat constipation.

This time it's latex, not gel, that provides these benefits. Latex is a sticky yellow residue found under the leaf bark.

The key compound responsible for this effect is called aloin, or aloin, which has a recognized laxative effect.

However, concerns have been raised about safety with frequent use. Therefore, as of 2002, aloe latex is no longer available as an over-the-counter drug in the United States.

Contrary to popular belief, aloe vera does not appear to be effective against other digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease. Learn more here.

Can improve skin and prevent wrinkles

There is some preliminary evidence that topical aloe vera gel can slow skin aging.

A 2009 study of 30 women over the age of 45 showed that oral aloe vera gel increased collagen production and improved skin elasticity over 90 days.

ReviewsTrusted Source also suggest that aloe vera can help skin retain moisture and improve skin integrity, which may be beneficial for dry skin conditions.

lower blood sugar levels

People sometimes use aloe vera to treat diabetes. This is because it enhances insulin sensitivity and helps improve blood sugar management.

One study found that aloe vera may be beneficial for people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes due to its effects on blood sugar control.

However, the quality of the available research is not ideal, so scientists do not currently recommend using aloe vera for this purpose.


Aloe vera is a safe remedy with few known side effects.

Trusted sources at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) say it may be safe when used topically.

That said, taking aloe vera by mouth may cause stomach cramps or diarrhea due to its laxative effect. There are also some reports of liver damage caused by long-term use of aloe vera supplements.

NCCIHT Trusted Source also reports that non-bleached aloe vera whole leaf extract appears to be associated with cancer risk in rats.


Aloe vera has a range of therapeutic properties, especially as an ointment for the skin and gums.

People can use bottled aloe vera gel or extract it directly from the leaves of the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera juice has different uses than aloe vera gel.

Oral options should contain depigmented aloe vera whole leaf extract to minimize risk.

Before using aloe vera products to treat a medical condition, a person should consult a doctor.


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