
Monsters under beds, zombies in graves and chainsaw-wielding maniacs are not the first things that come to mind when people try to conjure up soothing images. However, for many horror movie fans, part of the appeal of thrillers is finding a level of comfort in the thrill. But lest you doubt the concept of finding reprieve in the blood-curdling scream genre, know that the idea not only works... but also has precedent.

In an interview for the documentary "Fear in the Dark" (1991), acclaimed director Wes Craven ("A Nightmare on Elm Street," "Scream") famously said: "Horror movies don't create fear, they It releases fear." Despite its brevity, Craven's message speaks to a layered truth: Our engagement with the things that scare us can be its own form of catharsis.

More than just an embodiment of the time-honored "face your fears" chestnut, the adrenaline involved in horror movies may actually be good for some viewers' mindsets.
In fact, the wholesome qualities of thrillers have become such a compelling topic of late that even Mistress of the Dark Elvira herself was featured in a recent Netflix promo that cast her as providing a "prescription" for the horror of horror movies Therapist for what might be making you sick.
Of course, part of the fun of delving into the beneficial nature of horror is knowing that for years (and still is, for many), those in academia simply couldn't see the benefits of the genre.

Build Resilience Scream - Scream

Initially considered a passive activity, critics and scholars have drawn attention to the fact that film audiences actually operate as active recipients of the material presented to them. Therefore, their exposure to dark materials may actually represent a deeper need beyond superficial stimulation.

"Think about what horror has to offer us, how could this possibly be enjoyable? Why do we allow ourselves to be negatively affected? This seems to go against any evolutionary picture of humanity, and today, we have what's called the 'surrogacy theory,' which essentially The idea is that horror movies allow us to control our fear of death to some extent by giving us the experience of surrogacy.”

Our bodies tell us we're in danger, but we know we're safe in those comfortable theater seats, and allowing ourselves to be triggered in a safe environment can actually be a therapeutic process.
According to Kurt Oaklee, founder of Oaklee Psychotherapy in San Francisco, California, viewers' vicarious experience of horror films is similar to the practice of exposure therapy, in which patients are faced with stressors to reduce their impact over time.
[Horror] can actually teach us how to better handle real-world stress, and in a stressful movie, we intentionally expose ourselves to anxiety-producing stimuli. We often don’t engage in the same unhealthy coping mechanisms we use in real life. We learn how to manage stress in the present moment. This practice can translate into helping us manage daily stress and fear.
Granted, the concept of using horror films as "embedded triggers" to influence a certain form of release may just be one of the ways in which audiences view horror films as a form of catharsis.
For marginalized individuals, horror's positive engagement with concepts of otherness can be an empowering message.
For others, horror's ability to use metaphor and give tangible flesh and bodies to subconscious fears may allow these things to be conceptualized and compartmentalized.

Horror movies can help us face our fears

Fascinated by horror's empowering potential, filmmaker Jonathan Barkan set out to explore the genre's relationship with mental health in an upcoming documentary on the subject, aptly titled Mental Health and terror”.
Barkan said he recognized the cathartic malleability of the genre early on while dealing with the real-life tragedy of his sister's battle with cancer.
"All I knew was that there were some faceless, invisible monsters attacking her," Barkan said of the experience. "The horror becomes a way of confronting that monster and, more importantly, seeing that monster, that evil, conquered."
Inspired by the genre's ability to promote empathy and confront the unspeakable monsters in our daily lives, Barkan's exploration of how others use horror to heal and grow speaks to the broader impact of our engagement with these films, which are often cited as Considered to have no moral value.
"I learned that there are so many people who view and use horror in all different, unique and wonderful ways to help their mental health," Barkan said. "The way we approach horror is as diverse and amazing as the genre itself."

Feeling scared in a safe space can be a big relief

And, it turns out, turning to horror movies for relief isn't just for diehards.
According to Business Insider, in May 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, horror movie sales on the digital movie app Movies Anywhere increased by 194% compared to the previous May. At a time when the world is facing its own horrors, audiences still look to genre material for escape.
Despite the global crisis, Oakley thinks this rising desire for horror movies makes perfect sense.
It's not uncommon for people to be drawn to thrillers or horror movies during times of stress. Horror movies force you to concentrate intensely. A brooding, anxious mind is no longer troubled by the stressors of the world. Instead, your body is in fight-or-flight mode and nothing matters but the terrifying monster on the screen. During a global pandemic, that's very tempting.
In fact, Oakley pointed to a 2020 study published in the journal NeuroImage that found that horror movies can indeed trigger our body's fear circuits, producing a "fight or flight" response, much like real-life scary events.
As a result, Oakley noted that horror movies can have a negative impact on some people, especially those who are more sensitive to anxiety, because what they watch on the screen can increase feelings of stress and panic.
But for others, he says the constant building and releasing of tension is a core part of the horror movie viewing experience and can help relieve stress in their daily lives, leaving them feeling more empowered and resilient by the time the credits roll.
So if you've ever turned to Dracula, Freddy, or any other form of phantom for a little comfort after a long day, know that you're not alone.
Astute pop culture historians have long noted horror's ability to use the dark lens of fantasy to confront contemporary issues (such as Frankenstein addressing the "God vs. science" debate of the time, Godzilla as a direct response to the use of atomic weapons , etc.), and fortunately also began to recognize its healing tendencies.
Of course, aside from the allegory and psychology of fear, it's also just plain fun.
Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to leave the real world and enter something that brings a smile...and maybe a scare or two along the way.


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