HealthyPIG Magazine



Narcolepsy: Know your workplace rights - Australia
What rights do people with idiopathic narcolepsy and narcolepsy have in the workplace. For more information, please contact the FairWork Ombudsman ...

Narcolepsy: Managing your work or school - USA
For adults with narcolepsy, work or college can present additional challenges. Episodes of sleepiness during the day can make it harder to concentr...

What are the best jobs for someone with narcolepsy? - Netizens responded
#1 Stay physically or mentally active
Anything that requires you to be constantly physically or mentally active is a good choice. Ideally, flexi...

Narcolepsy (narcolepsy) and work - UK
Although narcolepsy can have significant indirect effects on attention, attention span, and short-term memory, it does not directly affect cogniti...

Sexsomnia: What to know about sleep sex
Sexsomnia, also known as sexsomnia, is a sleep disorder called parasomnia. Parasomnias are unusual feelings and behaviors that people may experienc...

Is Modafinil legal in Australia?
Modafinil helps users stay awake, alert, and focused for longer periods of time. It is illegal to use, buy, sell or possess or try to use Modafinil unless you have a prescription in Australia. It is often a medication used to treat symptoms of narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, sleep apnea, and other such conditions. It helps users stay awake. The drug is only effective as long as it remains in the body.

Adderall vs Modafinil: How do they compare?
Adderall and Modafinil are central nervous system stimulants (psychostimulants). The two drugs have similar properties and similar applications. Both drugs are classified as controlled substances by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

What is Modafinil? Uses, Side Effects, and More
Modafinil reduces the extreme sleepiness caused by narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, such as periods when breathing stops during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). It can also help you stay awake during work hours if your work schedule prevents you from sleeping properly (shift work sleep disorder).

US drug reference prices for narcolepsy
If you are diagnosed with narcolepsy, your doctor may prescribe one or more medications, including: A stimulant to help you stay awake during the d...

What are the latest developments in the treatment of narcolepsy (narcolepsy) in 2023?
As research continues to better understand the mechanisms of narcolepsy, the development of new treatments continues to evolve, providing more options for optimizing treatment of narcolepsy symptoms, particularly excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy. Additional data from ongoing and planned clinical trials, as well as real-world evidence from newly approved drugs that are about to become available, will help determine the specific role or place in treatment of these new therapies.