
Brain magnetic resonance angiography

Healthy PIG
The brain undergoes an MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) examination. MRA uses magnetic fields, radio waves, and computers to create images of s...

Vascular disease

Healthy PIG

Vascular disease (vasculopathy) affects the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and remove waste products from tissues. Common blood vessel problems occur when plaque (made up of fat and cholesterol) slows or blocks blood flow in an artery or vein. Lifestyle changes often help, but some people need medication or surgery.


Principle of blood pressure monitor

Healthy PIG
A sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure, consisting of an inflatable cuff that folds and then releases the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a mercury or aneroid manometer to measure pressure. A sphygmomanometer consists of an inflatable cuff, a measuring device (mercury manometer or aneroid manometer), and an inflation mechanism, which can be a manually operated bulb and valve or an electrically operated pump.

How to improve your blood circulation

Healthy PIG

Unbelievable, but your body has approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Together with your heart and other muscles, they form your circulatory system. This road network transports blood to every corner of your body. But when your blood circulation is poor, it can slow down or block blood flow. This means that the cells in your body cannot get all the oxygen and nutrients they need.