

healthy PIG
最大壓力的 10 種工作是 應徵軍人 消防隊員 航空公司飛行員 警察 廣播公司 活動協調員 報社記者 公共關係主管 企業高階主管 計程車司機 是什麼讓工作壓力很大? 造成高壓力和倦怠的原因不僅是某些工作固有的高風險性質。 排名系統考慮了 11 項會引發壓力的工作要求。這些因素包括 行程...

How to prevent work stress from taking over your life

Healthy PIG
Work-related stress can bring out the best in all of us. Emails, Slack messages, the phone rings, your colleague shows up for an impromptu meetin...

How horror movies help people overcome real-world trauma

Healthy PIG
feeling exposed When discussing trauma and phobias, it’s important to first understand how our bodies process fear. The automatic response is the ...

Scream Therapy: The Mental Health Benefits of Horror Movies

Healthy PIG
Watching horror movies not only gives you a good scare, but it can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

What foods relieve stress?

Healthy PIG

Although stress is hard to avoid, chronic stress can seriously damage your physical and mental health. In fact, it may increase your heart disease and depression. In fact, certain foods and beverages may have stress-relieving properties. Here are 18 stress-relieving foods and beverages that can increase your diet.