HealthyPIG Magazine

The Association Between Gut Microbiota and Type 2 Diabetes: Latest Research and Findings

stress and diabetes

How many carbohydrates should diabetes eat?
Finding out how many carbohydrates to eat when suffering from diabetes can seem confusing. Traditionally, the global dietary guidelines recommend that if you have diabetes, you should get about 45-60% of your calories from carbohydrates every day.
However, more and more experts believe that diabetics should eat less carbohydrates. In fact, many people recommend no more than half of this amount. This article tells you how much carbohydrates you should eat if you have diabetes.

Losing 10% of body weight can alleviate type 2 diabetes

Eat more vegetables and less meat to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease

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What foods should you eat to control diabetes?
It is difficult for people with diabetes to find the most appropriate food, because the main goal is to control blood sugar levels. At the same time, it is also important to choose foods that help prevent complications such as diabetes. Diet is very important in preventing and controlling diabetes. These are the 16 best foods for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Carbohydrates and diabetes