
How much potassium do you need every day?

Healthy PIG

Potassium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and plays a vital role in a variety of body processes. However, few people consume enough of it. In fact, nearly 98% of adults in the United States do not meet the recommended daily intake. This article tells you how much potassium you need every day and why it is important to your health.


What does potassium do for your body?

Healthy PIG

The importance of potassium is grossly underestimated. This mineral is classified as an electrolyte because it is highly reactive in water. When dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions. This special property allows it to conduct electricity, which is important for many processes throughout the body. Interestingly, a diet rich in potassium is associated with many powerful health benefits. It may help lower blood pressure and water retention, prevent stroke and help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones . This article details potassium and its role in your health.


Potassium: source, deficiency, overdose, treatment, etc.

Healthy PIG

Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contraction and nerve signals. More importantly, a high-potassium diet may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, prevent stroke and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.