HealthyPIG Magazine

Sleep apnea causes bradycardia and heart failure


heart failure

When does a person's heart rate become dangerous?
If a person's heart rate is too high or too low, it can become dangerous. However, many factors influence when a heart rate is dangerous. Heart rate changes throughout the day to adapt to the body's needs. It is higher during strenuous activity and lowest when a person is relaxing or sleeping. Heart rate also changes during pregnancy, fever, and anxiety. Identifying a person's usual heart rate patterns can help them understand what is a dangerous heart rate for them personally. This article will explain ideal heart rate, taking into account factors such as medication use and age. It will also explain some of the things people can try to increase or decrease their heart rate.

Pulse and heart rate

Heart failure diagnosis and treatment

Eat more vegetables and less meat to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease

Good food for the heart
The food you eat directly affects your cardiovascular health. Improving your diet can help you control your current health conditions, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It can also help prevent future health problems.