
Why kids need carbs

healthy PIG
Managing your diet and preparing meals for your family can be complicated. A popular dieting trend is to reduce or eliminate carbohydrates from the diet. While it may be tempting to include the whole family in your pursuit when you try this diet, you must exclude children from this diet.

carbohydrates and sugar

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What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are the body's most important and most accessible source of energy. They are an essential part of a healthy ...

What are good carbohydrates for kids?

healthy PIG
What are good carbohydrates for kids? Carbohydrates are an important part of the daily diet of children and adolescents. Carbohydrates are the bo...

What's healthier: natural sugar, table sugar, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols?

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"Natural" sugar: What does it mean? Natural sugar goes far beyond traditional table sugar. The raw variety contains sugar, coconut sugar, agave ne...

Lies about sugar

Healthy PIG
While we can all agree that sugar isn't exactly a health food, there's a lot of misinformation out there about how -- if at all -- sweets should be incorporated into your diet. For example, are some types of sugar healthier than others? Will quitting it really put you on the fast track to losing weight, relieving acne, avoiding mood swings, or any other health issue? It turns out the answer may not be what you think. Here are eight things that even nutrition-savvy people might not realize about sugar—and what you should know about incorporating it into your diet.

The effect of sugar on metabolic syndrome

Healthy PIG

Sugar affects health in many ways, and it can cause and worsen certain conditions in particular. Metabolic syndrome is on the rise, affecting as many as one-third of American adults. How does sugar cause this problem?


Do I consume too much sugar?

healthy PIG

Many people are buying food to try to understand food nutrition, but they are confused. 80% of customers will encounter conflicting nutritional data, while 59% are not sure about the food choices they make for their families. The only thing consumers are sure of is that they need to choose food to improve their health. American adults consume an average of 77 grams of sugar per day, which is more than three times the recommended intake for women. That is, about 60 pounds of sugar are added every year-equal to six 10-pound bowling balls, which is worse for children. American children consume 81 grams per day, which is about 65 pounds of sugar each year. Only 30 gallons of added sugar have been ingested from beverages, which is enough to fill the bathtub! Where do these added sugars come from?


How to detect and avoid added sugar

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Not just in sweetened beverages. Sugar is added to cereals, pasta sauces and even biscuits. We all know that too much sugar is harmful to health, but even experts cannot easily realize the emergence of sugar. It's not the natural sugars in fruits-that is, fiber that has slow absorption is a problem, but added sugars such as honey, molasses and corn syrup. How should it be identified?


How sugar affects eye health

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Your eyes are a magical organ that can provide you with a window into the world, but without some healthy lifestyle choices, your eye health will be affected. Especially sugar, it will damage your eye function and health.


The effect of sugar on fatty liver

Healthy PIG

When considering the negative health effects of sugar intake, fatty liver cannot be ignored. Your liver is vital to the functioning of your body because it promotes blood clotting and removes waste and toxins from the blood. Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause serious liver problems, which can lead to many different health problems.


The effect of sugar on polycystic ovary syndrome

Healthy PIG

Another health condition that is severely affected by sugar intake is polycystic ovary syndrome. Sugar causes this condition through several different mechanisms, and a healthy lifestyle without added sugar can help control PCOS symptoms.