什麼是雞精和滴雞精? 健康益處和副作用

什麼是雞精和滴雞精? 健康益處和副作用

healthy PIG
什麼是雞精? 雞精是雞肉萃取物製成的液體營養補充品,是由煮沸的雞肉、骨頭、有時添加香草或香料製成的濃縮液體。 在中國和新加坡等亞洲國家,雞精也被用作保健補充劑。 它被認為具有多種健康益處,例如提高能量水平、提高免疫力和促進整體健康。 雞精通常作為補充品或保健飲料銷售,有時包裝在小瓶或小袋中以方...


healthy PIG
懷孕期間食粟米通常是安全且有益的。 它為母親和嬰兒提供重要的營養素,如葉酸、纖維和維生素。 然而,必須優先考慮食品安全,選擇新鮮且正確煮熟的粟米。 應避免過量食用,以維持健康的營養平衡。 建議諮詢醫療保健提供者,以解決特定的飲食需求和過敏問題。 總之,將粟米作為多樣化且營養豐富的懷孕飲食的一部...


healthy PIG
粟米芯素的英文是 Flush-Free Niacin。 在了解 "Flush-Free Niacin" 之前,最好先了解潮紅 (flush)。  什麼是潮紅? 菸鹼酸潮紅是指一些服用菸鹼酸(維生素 B3)補充劑的人所出現的副作用。 當服用較高劑量時,菸鹼酸會導致皮膚附近的血管擴張,導致暫時的溫...


healthy PIG


healthy PIG
什麼是「發炎指數」? 「發炎指數」通常指的是血液中 C-反應蛋白(C-reactive protein, CRP)的水平。C-反應蛋白是一種由肝臟產生的蛋白質,在身體受到炎症或組織損傷時會大量釋放到血液中。因此,CRP 的水平通常被用作評估身體是否存在炎症的指標。 有哪些發炎測試可供選擇? 與...

Worst Harmful Foods and Drinks That Damage Your Teeth Mostly

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Impact of Sticky Foods on Teeth Sticky foods can harm teeth as they often remain on the teeth longer, increasing the likelihood of decay. Opt fo...

Global lung cancer death statistics

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Lung cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide [1]. It is the most common cancer in men and the second most common cancer in women [1]. ...
松樹皮萃取物: 用途,好處和Pycnogenol介紹

Pine Bark Extract: Uses, Benefits and Pycnogenol Introduction

healthy PIG
Pine Bark Extract (English: Pine Bark Extract) is derived from the bark of the maritime pine (scientific name: Pinus pinaster). It is valued for it...
E170 碳酸鈣: 用途和監管

E170 Calcium Carbonate: Uses and Regulation

healthy PIG
Calcium carbonate is a compound with the chemical formula CaCO3. Calcium carbonate (INS 170(i)) is a fine, odorless, white or colorless microcrysta...
什麼是小蘗鹼? 功效、安全性和副作用

What is berberine? Efficacy, safety and side effects

healthy PIG
What is berberine? Found in plants such as goldenseal, juniper and Oregon grape, berberine is a bioactive compound with anti-inflammatory, antibac...
什麼是白樺茸? 用途,益處和副作用

What is Chaga? Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

healthy PIG
What is Chaga? Chaga, scientific name Inonotus obliquus, is a fungus that grows mainly on birch trees in cold climates, especially in areas such as...
超氧化物歧化酶: 益處並應用

Superoxide Dismutase: Benefits and Applications

healthy PIG
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme present in all living cells that protects cells from highly reactive, cell-damaging superoxide ...