
Facts about breast health

Healthy PIG
First, we describe the structure and function of the breast. We then provide information about cancer development in the breast and how to differentiate between different types and stages of breast cancer.

A guide to soy-rich foods

Healthy PIG

Many foods containing soy—such as tofu, soy meat substitutes, soy sauce, soy flour, and soybean oil—can be found in supermarkets and natural, health, and Asian food stores. There are many food substitutes made with soy, such as soy bacon, cheese, "no chicken" nuggets, corn hot dogs, hamburgers, hot dogs, and ice cream. Adventurous.


Low-sodium diet guide

Healthy PIG

The main source of sodium is table salt. The average American eats five teaspoons or more of salt a day. This is about 20 times the body requirement. In fact, your body only needs 1/4 teaspoon of salt a day. Sodium is naturally present in food, but large amounts of sodium are added during processing and preparation. Many non-salty foods may still contain high sodium. Large amounts of sodium may be hidden in canned foods, processed foods, and convenience foods. Sodium can be found in many foods served in fast food restaurants.


Ammonium carbonate use

Healthy PIG

Ammonium carbonate is an alkaline chemical leavening agent widely used in the baking industry. Usually, it is used to replace baking powder and baking soda. Ammonium carbonate is commonly used to increase the texture and crispness of baked goods.


What is sodium carbonate

Healthy PIG

Do not confuse sodium carbonate with sodium bicarbonate. The latter is the standard baking soda you find in cabinets, while sodium carbonate is an ingredient in dish soap, glass products, and floor cleaners. Sodium carbonate is also recognized as a safe food additive by the US Food and Drug Administration. Sodium carbonate is sometimes called soda ash or sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate or soda ash is a common ingredient in many manufacturing processes and a food additive. It is the disodium salt of carbonic acid with the chemical formula Na2CO3.



Healthy PIG
The carbohydrates found in many foods we eat are digested and converted into glucose, which is an important fuel for our body. Insulin is like the ...

Carbohydrate distribution

Healthy PIG
The foods listed below all contain carbohydrates. These carbohydrates become a sugar called glucose during digestion. Carbohydrate-containing foods...


Healthy PIG
乳製品和大豆 數量     鈣(毫克)    牛奶(脫脂、低脂、全脂) 1杯 300     酪 1杯 300 乾酪 0.5 杯 65 冰淇淋或冰牛奶 0.5 杯 100 酸奶油,培養 1杯 250...

How much potassium do you need every day?

Healthy PIG

Potassium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and plays a vital role in a variety of body processes. However, few people consume enough of it. In fact, nearly 98% of adults in the United States do not meet the recommended daily intake. This article tells you how much potassium you need every day and why it is important to your health.


What does potassium do for your body?

Healthy PIG

The importance of potassium is grossly underestimated. This mineral is classified as an electrolyte because it is highly reactive in water. When dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions. This special property allows it to conduct electricity, which is important for many processes throughout the body. Interestingly, a diet rich in potassium is associated with many powerful health benefits. It may help lower blood pressure and water retention, prevent stroke and help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones . This article details potassium and its role in your health.


Potassium: source, deficiency, overdose, treatment, etc.

Healthy PIG

Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contraction and nerve signals. More importantly, a high-potassium diet may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, prevent stroke and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.


Sea Salt Uses, Benefits and Disadvantages

Healthy PIG

Sea salt is made by evaporating salt water. People around the world have used it since prehistoric times and it is now a common sight in many kitchens. In addition to its culinary uses, sea salt is often added to body scrubs, body washes, beverages, and countless other products. Some believe it is healthier than other types of salt and offers a variety of benefits, but there is little research to support these claims. This article outlines common uses of sea salt and its potential benefits and drawbacks.