
What is the use of gelatin? Benefits, uses and more

Healthy PIG

Gelatin is a protein product derived from collagen. Due to its unique combination of amino acids, it has important health benefits. Gelatin has been shown to play a role in joint health and brain function, and can improve the appearance of skin and hair.

為什麼你需要輔酶Q10 (CoQ10)?

Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10

Healthy PIG

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient naturally present in the body. CoQ10 is also present in many foods we eat. Coenzyme Q10 acts as an antioxidant, protects cells from damage, and plays an important role in metabolism.

鮮為人知的DPA OMEGA-3 脂肪酸

The little-known DPA OMEGA-3 fatty acid

Healthy PIG

For a long time, fish oil has been the main supplement for those interested in maintaining health. Ongoing research continues to provide new insights into the many benefits of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in fish to human health. Many people are familiar with the superstars of those fatty acids; DHA and EPA. Little-known DPA is another important fatty acid that is making a comeback.


What you need to know about tocotrienols

Healthy PIG

Tocotrienols are a group of chemicals that belong to the vitamin E family. So far, research has found many benefits associated with tocotrienols. Tocopherols are another group of chemicals that make up the vitamin E family. Both tocotrienol and tocopherol have four forms: α, β, δ, and γ. The average American’s diet contains more tocopherols than tocotrienols, so researchers are becoming more and more interested in how tocotrienol supplementation can improve health.


Essential ways to use broccoli rice

Healthy PIG
You may know that cauliflower rice is a great alternative to starchy carbs, but you may not know about all the creative ways it can be used. Cauliflower is a good source of folate, a B vitamin necessary for making DNA and other genetic material and for cell division. It is also an excellent source of bone-optimizing vitamin K and immune-boosting vitamin C.

Everything you need to know about cauliflower rice

Healthy PIG
Cauliflower has always been considered a nutritious and healthy vegetable. It also contains plant compounds that help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Recently, it has been used as a substitute for white rice to reduce carbohydrate intake. But is it really healthy? When a particular type of food becomes popular, it can be hard to know if it's actually healthy.

Which is healthier: cauliflower rice or plain rice?

Healthy PIG

The beauty of cauliflower "rice" is that you can increase your meal while reducing calorie content. Psychologists who specialize in appetite and satiety have determined the importance of "filling the stomach" in helping us feel satisfied.


Health Benefits of Balsamic Vinegar for Weight Loss, Skin, and More

Healthy PIG
Balsamic vinegar is a dark brown vinegar made from unfermented grape juice. It is known for its unique, bold, complex flavors and tart aftertaste. Real balsamic vinegar is aged in barrels for months or even years and can be very expensive. Balsamic vinegar has become a popular ingredient in food preparations, especially salad dressings and marinades. People use it as a low-fat supplement and part of a heart-healthy diet.

What is potassium chloride?

Healthy PIG

Potassium chloride, its use in food and its role in human nutrition


What is sodium chloride usually used for?

Healthy PIG

Sodium chloride, commonly known as salt (although sea salt also contains other chemical salts), is an ionic compound with a chemical formula of NaCl, which represents a 1:1 ratio of an ion to a chloride ion. The molar masses are 22.99 and 35.45 g/mol, respectively. 100 g NaCl contains 39.33 and 60.6 g Cl. Sodium chloride is the salt that is most responsible for the degree of sea water and the extracellular fluid of multicellular organisms. There is an edible form of table salt, which is usually salt seasoning. A large amount of solid chloride is used in industrial processes, it is the main source of hydrochloride and chloride, and the raw material for further chemical synthesis. Deicing the road.

什麼是食品中的葡萄糖酸 Delta 內酯 (E575)?用途、安全性、副作用

Glucomolactone E575

Healthy PIG

Glucono delta-lactone (abbreviation GDL) or gluconolactone, a kind of gluconic acid lactone, is a natural ingredient, usually used as a coagulant in tofu making, fermented acid in bakeries, cheese and meat The mild acidulant and chelating agent in the product are used in some food applications. Its European food additive number is E575. It is kosher, halal, vegan, and non-GMO food.


Malic acid E296

Healthy PIG

Malic acid, usually related to apples, is naturally present in fruits and can enhance the flavor and sourness. It is used as a flavoring agent and pH control agent in food. The European food additive number is E296. This ingredient exists in three forms: D-, L- and racemic DL-forms (consisting of equal parts of the two forms). Malic acid sold on the market usually refers to its DL form.