
Health benefits of coconut water

Healthy PIG

In recent years, coconut water has become a very popular beverage. It's delicious, refreshing, and it happens to be good for you. More importantly, it contains a variety of important nutrients, including minerals that most people do not consume enough. The following are the health benefits of coconut water.


ABC Juice Detox Drink: Why Apple, Beetroot and Carrot are a great combination

Healthy PIG

Recently, the trend of detoxification is very popular. Taking refreshing detox drinks not only makes you feel refreshed, but also keeps you energized throughout the day. ABC detox drink is the perfect choice because of its multiple health benefits and because it contains the three most important ingredients-apples, beetroots and carrots. These classic fruits are providing you with a healthy body and mind. The ABC Detox Diet is a body recovery plan that can be carried out for one to three days depending on the person. There are four main ways to remove toxins from the body. Body: The liver removes fat-soluble toxins, the kidneys remove water-soluble toxins, the intestines remove undigested toxins, and the skin removes metabolic toxins. ABC Detox Drink can help you expel all these toxins through these organs.


Ranking of common deadly diseases in Hong Kong

Healthy PIG
Fatal disease The top ten fatal diseases of Hong Kong men in 2019 Rank Fatal disease death toll percentage(%)# 1 cancer 8,645 31.9% 2...

The many uses of apple cider vinegar

Healthy PIG

Apple cider vinegar is a staple food in the kitchen and has many impressive health benefits. It also has a large number of different cosmetic, household and culinary uses. These include cleansing, shampooing, preserving food and improving skin function. You can also use apple cider vinegar in various recipes, including salad dressings, soups, sauces, hot drinks, etc. There are many ways to use apple cider vinegar.


Very nutritious durian

Healthy PIG

Durian is a unique tropical fruit. It is very popular in Southeast Asia and is known as the "King of Fruits". Durian is very high in nutrients and contains more than most other fruits. However, some people do not like it due to its strong smell. This article tells you everything you need to know about durian.


The health effects of caramel coloring

Healthy PIG

Caramel color-This makes the cola brown and beer gold. Caramel coloring is the most commonly consumed food coloring ingredient in the world. It is produced by heating carbohydrates (if sugar, glucose or invert sugar) with food-grade acids (such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid or citric acid) to break the sugar bonds. Think of caramel color as burnt sugar. As long as someone does not consume caramel color in large quantities, it is unlikely to have a negative effect on health.


Should you worry about titanium dioxide in food?

Healthy PIG

From dyes to flavoring agents, many people are becoming more aware of the ingredients in their food. One of the most widely used food pigments is titanium dioxide, which is an odorless powder that enhances the whiteness or opacity of food and over-the-counter products, including coffee creamers, candies, sunscreens, and toothpaste. Variants of titanium dioxide are added to improve the whiteness of paints, plastics and paper products, although these variants are different from the food grades used in food. However, you may wonder if it is safe to eat. This article reviews the uses, benefits, and safety of titanium dioxide.


Soy protein concentrate and its health benefits

Healthy PIG

Soy protein concentrate is prepared by removing the sugar part and some food ingredients from defatted powder. Acid leaching and extraction with ethanol aqueous solution, in all these treatments, are initially insoluble, but partially dissolved and soluble, so it is possible to separate them by centrifugation. The main solubility and solubility are then dissolved in water, neutralized to pH 7.0 if necessary, and then dried to produce organic products. Most of the commercial capacity is made through aqueous extraction or acid leaching processes.


The health benefits of sex

Healthy PIG

Sex feels good. It can also be good for your health.


What is yeast extract

Healthy PIG

Yeast extract is a food flavoring agent made from the same yeast used to make bread and beer. It is also added to some foods, such as soy sauce and cheese, to get a salty taste. The flavors they create are sometimes called "umami".


What is taurine

Healthy PIG

Taurine is a chemical substance called sulfamic acid. It naturally exists in the human body and has many important functions. Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart, and blood cells called platelets. The best food sources are meat, fish and eggs. The body usually makes taurine on its own. But some people cannot do it and need to get taurine from their diet or supplements. Breast milk is rich in taurine, but non-breast-fed infants cannot get enough taurine, nor are they capable of making taurine, so taurine is often added to infant formula. It is also added to formulas for adult tube feeding. People take taurine to treat congestive heart failure (CHF) and liver swelling (inflammation) (hepatitis). It is also used for sports performance, energy enhancement, diabetes and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.


What is brown rice flour and its nutrition

Healthy PIG

Bakers who suffer from celiac disease after a gluten-free diet usually use brown rice flour to make gluten-free flour mixtures. Common additives include potato starch, sorghum flour, sweet rice flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.