
Everything about tapioca

Healthy PIG

Tapioca flour is a very useful starch flour, which can be used as a thickener for sauces, pie fillings and gravy. It is also an indispensable flour in gluten-free baking, providing an excellent crust and golden brown hue for your baking.


Knowledge about rice

Healthy PIG

Rice is one of the oldest grains in the world, and people have grown it for at least 5,000 years. Rice is the staple food of people. More than half of the trusted source 90% of the world's population comes from Asia. There are thousands of rice, but according to the producer's processing method, they are divided into two categories: white or brown (whole wheat). White rice is the most common type, although brown rice provides more health benefits. Brown rice comes in many shades, including red, purple, or black. Manufacturers use rice to make many products, including rice noodles, rice syrup, rice bran oil, and rice milk. This article looks at the nutrition, health benefits and risks of white and brown rice.


Everything you need to know about cocoa butter

healthy PIG

Many people use cocoa butter because they like how it feels on the skin, or they believe it can improve the appearance of the skin. There is no harm in trying one of these products-unless you are sensitive to cocoa butter. You can find cocoa butter recipes in supermarkets, pharmacies, online and natural food stores. If you are worried about additives, buy 100% cocoa butter and make your own skin care products. Keep in mind that these products have not been proven to improve skin tone, lighten wrinkles or reduce stretch marks. Most of the evidence supporting these claims is anecdotal. If you are seeking treatment for specific skin care needs, please consult your doctor or dermatologist. They can help formulate a skin care regimen that best suits your needs.


How to improve your blood circulation

Healthy PIG

Unbelievable, but your body has approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Together with your heart and other muscles, they form your circulatory system. This road network transports blood to every corner of your body. But when your blood circulation is poor, it can slow down or block blood flow. This means that the cells in your body cannot get all the oxygen and nutrients they need.

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Mediterranean diet-everything you need to know

Healthy PIG

Today, the term Mediterranean diet is used to describe the traditional eating habits of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, especially Greece and southern Italy.


Gum arabic

Healthy PIG

Known as acacia gum, acacia, Senegal gum, Indian gum, etc., it is a natural gum composed of two hardened sap of gum arabic. The term "gum arabic" does not indicate a specific plant source.



Healthy PIG

Methyl cellulose (or methyl cellulose) is a compound derived from cellulose. It is sold under various trade names and is used as a thickener and emulsifier in various foods and cosmetics, and as a bulk laxative. Like cellulose, it is not easy to digest, non-toxic, and not an allergen.


Characteristics of coconut oil

Healthy PIG

Although coconut oil is high in saturated fat, it is said to be beneficial for weight loss. What properties of coconut oil make it so special? In order to use anything correctly, you must have a complete understanding of the substance. This situation is obviously the same as coconut oil. Before you use this oil, it will be very beneficial if you are familiar with the properties of coconut oil.


What is soy protein isolate and is it harmful to you?

Healthy PIG

SPI is a protein in soybeans isolated from soybeans. It is isolated from all other components in soybeans. When you take soy and remove all the sugar, fiber and other natural vitamins and minerals in it, leaving only protein, what is left is protein.


What is active wheat protein and how to use it?

Healthy PIG

This convenient little powder can help you create everything from amazing baked goods to plant-based meat substitutes.


How sugar affects eye health

Healthy PIG

Your eyes are a magical organ that can provide you with a window into the world, but without some healthy lifestyle choices, your eye health will be affected. Especially sugar, it will damage your eye function and health.


The effect of sugar on fatty liver

Healthy PIG

When considering the negative health effects of sugar intake, fatty liver cannot be ignored. Your liver is vital to the functioning of your body because it promotes blood clotting and removes waste and toxins from the blood. Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause serious liver problems, which can lead to many different health problems.