
Benefits of raw honey

Healthy PIG

Raw honey has been used as a folk remedy throughout history and has multiple health benefits and medical uses. It is even used as wound treatment in some hospitals. Many of these health benefits are unique to unprocessed or unpasteurized honey. Most honey you find in grocery stores is pasteurized. High heat can kill unwanted yeast, improve color and texture, eliminate any crystallization, and extend shelf life. In the process, many beneficial nutrients are also destroyed. If you are interested in trying raw honey, please buy it from a trusted local producer. Here are some of the health benefits that raw honey can provide:


Health benefits of Manuka honey

Healthy PIG

Manuka honey is a type of honey produced in New Zealand. It is a flower of Leptospermum scoparium that is pollinated by a bee and is commonly referred to as a Manuka shrub. The antibacterial properties of Manuka honey make it different from traditional honey. Methylglyoxal is its active ingredient and may be responsible for these antibacterial effects. In addition, Manuka honey also has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. In fact, it has traditionally been used for wound healing, soothing sore throat, preventing tooth decay and improving digestive problems. These are the 7 science-based health benefits of Manuka honey.


Glycemic index of each sweetener

Healthy PIG

GI is Glycemic Index: Glycemic Index (also known as Glycemic Index). GI is a numerical value used to measure the degree to which various carbohydrate (sugar)-containing foods affect blood sugar after eating, thereby indicating the effect of food on blood sugar. Normally, after the carbohydrates in food are decomposed in the digestive tract, they finally become glucose and enter the blood, and blood sugar rises immediately. This article lists the glycemic index of a series of commonly used sweeteners.


What food can lower cholesterol?

Healthy PIG

Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, and cholesterol levels are highly correlated factors. These are 13 foods that can lower cholesterol.


Are nutritional supplements useful?

Healthy PIG

2018 American Medical Association Journal article: Nutritional supplement recommendations that healthcare professionals must know. Point out: Except for certain specific ethnic groups who will recommend supplementing specific nutrients, taking nutritional supplements has no benefit for non-nutrient deficiency disorders.


What is the best food to eat before going to bed?

Healthy PIG

What food can enhance the brain and memory?

healthy PIG

The brain is a good thing, and everyone has one, but your use of knowledge may be related to your appetite. Here are the best foods to enhance your brain and memory.


Are you always worried about your health? You may be dealing with "health anxiety"

Healthy PIG

You spend hours researching health information on the Internet. When your throat is itchy, you think of cancer, not a cold. Even if the examination shows that you are healthy, it will not make you feel better. Deep down in your heart, you still feel that there are some problems. If this sounds like you or a loved one, it may be health anxiety.


Period of storage and usage after the "best before date"

Healthy PIG

After the "best before date", how long the food can be stored and used is confusing to customers. Here we provide a recommended reference guide for different types of food


Why turmeric and curcumin are good for your health

Healthy PIG

Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement. Many high-quality studies have shown that it has significant benefits for your body and brain. These are the health benefits of turmeric.


Why goji berries are good for you

Healthy PIG

You may have heard of goji berries and their health benefits. Their history as medicinal plants originated in ancient China. Many people use goji berries to treat eye, liver and kidney problems. These festive red berries are also called goji berries, and their taste is slightly sour. They usually come in a dry form, such as raisins. But do they meet their health requirements? If you want to add more nutrients to your diet, please read on to decide whether goji berries are right for you.


Food calories

Healthy PIG
Most people only associate calories with food and drinks, but anything that contains energy has calories. Food calories described on food labels ar...