
The effect of sugar on polycystic ovary syndrome

Healthy PIG

Another health condition that is severely affected by sugar intake is polycystic ovary syndrome. Sugar causes this condition through several different mechanisms, and a healthy lifestyle without added sugar can help control PCOS symptoms.

羅漢果糖甜味劑 - 你需要知道的一切

Momordica grosvenori sweetener-everything you need to know

Healthy PIG

As people increasingly avoid sugar, alternative sweeteners are becoming more popular. A popular sweetener is Luo Han Guo Tang sweetener, also known as Luo Han Guo extract. Luo Han Fructose has been around for decades, but it has become more and more popular recently because it has become more accessible. It is natural, contains zero calories, and is 100-250 times sweeter than sugar. It is also believed to have antioxidant properties. This article tells you everything you need to know about luohan fructose sweetener.


What is DHA

Healthy PIG

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid, the main structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin and retina. It can be synthesized from α-linolenic acid or obtained directly from breast milk, fish oil or seaweed oil.


Everything about magnesium

Healthy PIG

Magnesium is an important mineral that plays a role in more than 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. Many of its functions include helping muscle and nerve function, regulating blood pressure and supporting the immune system.


What are the health benefits of vitamin D

Healthy PIG

The body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. A person can also increase vitamin D intake through certain foods or supplements. Vitamin D is essential for many reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It can also prevent a range of diseases and conditions, such as type 1 diabetes. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a prohormone or precursor of a hormone. Vitamins are nutrients that the human body cannot produce, so they must be ingested in the diet. However, the body can produce vitamin D. In this article, we will learn about the benefits of vitamin D, what happens to the body when people do not consume enough, and how to increase vitamin D intake.


Why is B-complex vitamin important and where do I get it?

Healthy PIG

B vitamins are a collection of eight water-soluble vitamins that are essential for various metabolic processes. Most of these vitamins cannot be stored by the body and must be consumed regularly in the diet. Prolonged cooking, food processing, and excessive drinking can destroy or reduce the availability of many of these vitamins.


What is disodium guanylate and is it safe?

Healthy PIG

Although you may have heard of sodium glutamate (MSG), disodium guanylate is another food additive that may not be of interest to you. This is completely understandable, because it is sometimes listed under the general term "natural flavors". Disodium glutamate is often used in a series of foods with MSG, such as canned soup, potato chips and dairy products. However, you may wonder if it is safe. This article explains what disodium guanylate is, which foods contain it, and whether it is safe to eat.


Health benefits of nutmeg

Healthy PIG

Nutmeg is a popular spice made from the seeds of nutmeg, a tropical evergreen tree native to Indonesia. It can come in the form of whole seeds, but is most often sold as a ground spice. It has a warm, slightly nutty taste and is often used in desserts and curries, as well as beverages such as mulled wine and chai tea. Although its taste is more commonly used than its health benefits, nutmeg contains an impressive array of powerful compounds that may help prevent disease and promote your overall health.

食物中的味精MSG E621是什麼:對您有害嗎?

What is MSG E621 in food: is it harmful to you?

Healthy PIG

MSG, short for sodium glutamate, comes from the neutralization of amino acids and glutamate. It is a common food additive, used as a seasoning or flavor enhancer in food. The E number is E621. MSG has been a controversial ingredient for many years, and its health problems may continue. There are thousands of articles about this additive on the Internet. In this article, we will quickly understand what MSG is and provide you with some authoritative resources so that you can have a broader understanding of it.


Food additives: emulsifier

Healthy PIG

The oil and water will not mix-until the emulsifier is added. Emulsifiers made from plant, animal, and synthetic sources are often added to processed foods such as mayonnaise, ice cream, and baked goods to create a smooth texture, prevent separation and extend shelf life. However, in this "clean label" era, consumers question the necessity of food additives.


Health benefits of sweet beans

Healthy PIG

Sweet beans, also known as sugar peas, are one of the first vegetables to be harvested every year. Pea is a hybrid of standard peas and snow peas. It first appeared in 1979 and is a delicious and crunchy hybrid. Peas are a fresh, refreshing vegetable that can be added to various recipes or eaten raw. They are easy to grow in pots or trellises. Most importantly, these plants provide multiple health benefits, making them an important supplement to most diets.


Health benefits of truffles

Healthy PIG

Truffles have been prized for centuries, and these fungi are now one of the most expensive foods you can buy. The price of a pound of truffles can be as high as $450. Unlike mushrooms that grow on the ground, truffles grow on tree roots 5 to 10 cm below the ground. Special skills and tools are required to find their location and collect them gently. Sometimes people will leave it to well-trained dogs and pigs to sniff them. Truffles look very different from mushrooms. They have no stems or gills. Instead, they are round, strong, covered with warts, and vary in size. Some are as small as a walnut, and some are as big as a fist. There are more than 100 different types of truffles growing all over the world, but you will find one of 10 types of truffles in food. The most common of these are "white truffle", a very smelly Italian truffle, and "black truffle" from France. Each truffle has its own unique flavor, which depends on the weather during its growth, the type of roots it grows on, and the bacteria in it. However, in general, you can expect a strong earthy smell (and smell), which is more like perfume than spice.