HealthyPIG Magazine
Caffeine alternative to give you natural energy
If you've been feeling sluggish lately, that's natural. There are so many things demanding our attention and energy right now that we are perpetu...
How long does caffeine stay in your system?
You may experience the best effects of caffeine 30-60 minutes after drinking it. However, caffeine may stay in your system for several hours, which may affect your sleep.
Caffeine tolerance: fact or fiction?
Caffeine is a stimulant naturally found in beverages such as coffee and tea. It is also added to other beverages such as energy drinks and soda. Ca...
Side effects of too much caffeine
Although caffeine is generally safe in small to moderate amounts, consuming large amounts can cause unpleasant or even dangerous side effects.
What is caffeine and is it good or bad for your health?
Recent research shows caffeine has a variety of health benefits. However, there are still some negatives to keep in mind.
Every day, billions of people rely on caffeine to get them out of bed, get through the night shift, or get those afternoon drowsiness.
In fact, this natural stimulant is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the world.
Caffeine is often talked about for its negative effects on sleep and anxiety.
However, research also shows it has a variety of health benefits. This article explores the latest research on caffeine and your health.
Everything you need to know about restless legs syndrome
Restless legs syndrome is also known as sleep leg syndrome, restless legs syndrome, restless legs syndrome, Willis-Ekbom disease or Wittmaack-Ekbom...
What causes fatigue and how can I treat it?
Fatigue can be caused by things like mental or physical health conditions, medication use, or chronic pain. Treatment involves controlling the underlying cause.
美國心臟協會推出了 PREVENT,一種新型心血管風險計算器。除了心臟病發作和中風之外,該計算器首次還包括心臟衰竭。它是第一個將腎臟和代謝健康納入心臟病風險因素的風險計算器。您對心血管疾病的風險了解多少? 嗯,現在是學習的最佳時機。美國心臟協會正在採用一種新的方法來評估心血管疾病風險(CVD)...
人類的心臟是體內運作最勤奮的器官之一。平均每分鐘跳動約 75 次。 當心臟跳動時,它會提供壓力,使血液能夠流動,透過廣泛的動脈網絡向全身組織輸送氧氣和重要的營養物質,並透過靜脈網絡返回血液。事實上,心臟每天平均穩定地向身體輸送 2,000 加侖的血液。您的心臟位於胸骨和胸腔下方,以及兩...
心臟是身體循環系統的一部分。 它由心房、心室、瓣膜以及各種動脈和靜脈組成。 心臟的主要功能是保持充滿氧氣的血液在全身循環。 由於心臟對您的生存至關重要,因此透過均衡飲食和運動來保持心臟健康非常重要,並避免吸煙等可能損害心臟的事物。雖然您可能熟悉一些心臟健康的技巧,但有一些關於心臟...
什麼是結冷膠? 用途、優點和安全性
結冷膠是 20 世紀 70 年代發現的一種食品添加物。它首先用作明膠和瓊脂的替代品,目前存在於各種加工食品中,包括果醬、糖果、肉類和強化植物奶。您可能想知道它是否有任何好處或是否可以安全食用。