
Electronic cigarette ingredients

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E-cigarettes contain cartridges or cartridges made of water, nicotine, propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin base and flavorings. But wi...
您需要了解的 5 個電子煙事實

5 e-cigarette facts you need to know

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If you've thought about quitting smoking, you're not alone. Nearly seven in 10 smokers say they want to quit. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health—smoking damages nearly every organ in your body, including your heart. Nearly one-third of heart disease deaths are caused by smoking and second-hand smoke.

You may be tempted to use e-cigarettes (e-cigarettes, vape pens, and other non-disposable and disposable vaping devices) as a way to ease the transition from traditional cigarettes to not smoking at all. But is vaping (also known as e-cigarettes) better for you than using tobacco products? Can e-cigarettes help you quit smoking once and for all?

What do we know about e-cigarettes?

healthy PIG
E-cigarettes go by many different names, and sometimes it’s hard for people to understand what these devices are really about. Here, we address some of the common questions people ask about vaping.
鈉含量最高的 10 種食物

The 10 foods with the highest sodium content

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Sodium is an essential mineral needed to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, regulate blood pressure, and transmit nerve impulses. ...

The diet that hides salt bombs

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Americans love sodium chloride, also known as regular table salt, and they eat too much of it. Unfortunately for salty food lovers, a high-sodium diet can wreak havoc on your health. According to research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, excess sodium increases your blood volume, which increases your blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure increases the risk of serious conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

However, we do need sodium for important body functions, such as maintaining a good fluid balance, transmitting nerve impulses, and moving muscles. So how much sodium can you safely consume each day? The latest dietary guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommend keeping sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams (mg), or 1 teaspoon (tsp), per day. You may benefit more from limiting to 1,500 milligrams, but if you're currently unable to do either of these, even cutting back by 1,000 milligrams can improve your blood pressure.

While most people already know it's best to avoid salty foods like movie theater popcorn and French fries, you also need to keep an eye out for less obvious sodium-rich foods. From canned vegetables to bread, here are some secret salt mines to watch out for.

What are the best and worst foods for your eyes?

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A healthy diet leads to healthy eyes; an unhealthy diet leads to unhealthy eyes. But "healthy eating" is a very vague concept. So, how do we know which foods to avoid for eye health? Foods that are bad for eye health tend to fall into some very broad categories of generally unhealthy foods


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Early symptoms: None Later symptoms: loss of central vision, blurred or wavy central vision, drusen. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage t...

Diabetic Retinopathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

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People with diabetes may have an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy. High blood sugar at this time can cause damage to retinal blood vessels. These blood vessels can swell and leak. Or they can close, preventing blood from passing through. Sometimes, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the retina. All these changes steal your vision.
什麼是過度活躍症 (注意力不足/過動症/ADHD?

什麼是過度活躍症 (注意力不足/過動症/ADHD?

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ADHD 是兒童時期最常見的神經發育障礙之一。它通常在兒童時期首次被診斷出來,並且通常持續到成年。患有多動症的兒童可能難以集中註意力、控制衝動行為(可能在不考慮結果的情況下採取行動)或過度活躍。


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患有發作性睡病和相關疾病的人對他們在澳洲接受的醫療保健標準感到沮喪。有充分的理由。一群致力於改善澳洲嗜睡症治療和管理的醫學專家表示,儘管澳洲擁有一流的醫療保健系統,但嗜睡症管理方法明顯不足。 什麼是發作性睡病? 發作性睡病是一種慢性疾病,其特徵是白天過度嗜睡和無法控制的睡眠。它是由中樞神經系統...
渴睡症 (發作性睡病) 治療 - 英國

Narcolepsy (narcolepsy) treatment - UK

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There is no specific treatment for narcolepsy, but you can manage your symptoms and minimize the impact on your daily life.
Making some simple changes to your sleeping habits can sometimes help. If your symptoms are more severe, you'll usually need to take medication.

Autism sleep problems

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A good night's sleep isn't guaranteed for anyone, but it's downright elusive for many people with autism. People on the spectrum often have difficulty falling and staying asleep. This may worsen some of their conditions, such as repetitive behaviors, which can make sleep more difficult. Given this destructive feedback loop, sleep issues are one of the most pressing concerns for families struggling with autism. But it also happens to be one of the least researched aspects of autism so far. Here's what researchers know so far about the causes, consequences, and treatments for sleep problems in autism.