HealthyPIG Magazine
bergamot mint essential oil
Bergamot mint (English name: Eau de Cologne mint, orange mint, bergamot mint; scientific name: Mentha aquatica var. citrata) . Bergamot mint essent...
Lemon and peppermint essential oils
Lemon and mint blends are a popular combination used in aromatherapy to enhance respiratory health and lift mood. Lemon and peppermint essential oi...
What is lemon plum wine? Benefits, recipes and brands
How to drink lemon plum wine?
Plum wine, like lemon, has the effect of promoting appetite, because the sour taste of plums stimulates the secretio...
What is lemon liqueur? Flavor, uses, brand recommendations and more
What is lemon liqueur?
Lemon liqueur is a liqueur flavored primarily with lemon rind or zest, resulting in a vibrant citrus flavor. It is usually ...
Perfume Lemon: Everything You Need to Know
The scientific name of perfume lemon (English name: Xiangshui lemon) is Citrus × limon 'Rosso' [1] , and some people call it Citrus × limon 'Xiang...
檸檬茶: 做法,產品,營養,壞處及東西方文化分別等
檸檬茶在香港是一種家喻戶曉的餐廳飲料,它也有包裝的形式出售,是香港文化象徵,代表了香港人獨特的飲食文化和生活方式。 幾乎在每個茶餐廳、餐廳、街頭小攤都能找到。 香港檸檬茶通常由紅茶、新鮮切片檸檬和糖混合而成。餐廳的熱檸檬茶和冰檸檬茶 (凍檸茶) 都很受歡迎。尤其是在夏天,是消暑解渴的最熱門飲料選擇之一。
檸檬茶是香港的文化飲品,並風靡世界各地。 而與西方相比,檸檬茶的用法和形式卻大不相同。 建議避免大量飲用包裝檸檬茶,因為含糖量高和含有食品添加劑,同時也避免在餐廳或家中的檸檬茶中添加過多的糖分。檸檬茶雖然有一定的健康好處,但也有一些壞處。
Horse mackerel: types, characteristics and taste
Horse mackerel is a fish that can be caught all year round and can be obtained at any time in Japan. It has been an important food fish in Japan si...
Food additive: Canthaxanthin E161g
E161g, also known as Canthaxanthin and canthaxanthin, is a food additive classified as a colorant.
INS number 161g
CI ...
Food additive: Lutein E161b
E161b, commonly known as lutein, is a yellow/orange pigment found naturally in green leaves, egg whites and marigolds. When required on a commercia...
E160e all-trans-beta-alincarotene biological activity
E160e is a food additive classified as a colorant. also known as
All-trans-β-alincarotene Biological Activity
Spanish Iberian pâté
Ibérico pâté is a pâté made from Iberian pork, a pig breed native to the Iberian Peninsula of Spain and Portugal. This luxurious meat sauce is priz...